Creating More Interest in Computer Science Will Take
Revolutionary Thinking… aRe yoU READY? Why do we need to [ upgrade our thinking ] now?
Computers can be amazing, helpful, brilliant in what they can do when used to their maximum capacity- we need to draw on their potential, as well as ours
To get more talented people in the field , with new ideas
We need: a new computer language
& innovative classes [captivating/easy to translate into new skills] to increase our abilities while keeping us productive
[ If U R Ready , Willing & Able to BRING THE MASSES INTO CS & PROGRAMMING- read on ] ©2019, J.H.
It’s this [ keyboard ] right in front of you ;
[it’s just] you and it. If you hit the right keys and produce this [ make it do this or that, perform this action ], it’s powerful.
Pls: Don't remain in the Dark Ages where wisdom [just about] ceased [to avail much power] and time was frozen
[ in death of progression and achievement ]
Let's Create the Future
Let’s use our computers for all their worth (which we have yet to see, how vast the reach can be). How? Take my experience as a blueprint, add to it, build on it, and create our future.
Awaken the Sleeping Giant
Innovation is alive; it’s only sleeping. Awake the sleeping giant. With what? Tools. We need better tools. And, we need to make them more usable and attractive.
Since We Use Computers to Create
How do we create in this day and age? By computer!
…from ideas to inventions...
it's how we can bring our ideas into the light of day.
It's a Brilliant
It’s a brilliant foundation. I’m truly amazed at all 1’s and 0’s can do, with little pulses of electrical current: create text, pictures, videos…the buying, the selling, the transferring here to there.
In Unrefined Form
Only why did the computer industry founders leave their creation in unrefined form, as a rough draft? It’s too good to leave as is. We have the talent: let’s refine it, work on its presentation and delivery to then spark an intellectual revolution.
Let's Build a Bridge
I say, basic programming skills across the board for all. We need someone to create a New Computer Language to bridge the gap. A bridge to get them from where they are now to the more complex languages- one not too simple, not too difficult; different but similar…it’s the missing link that will connect the people with the skills they need (to create, to invent, to do…).
The Future's already Here!
From Viewing an Essay written by someone in Korea or Japan, on my computer… To Having software proactively catch mistakes, before the customer is affected by the mistakes…
-----------I have experienced the power of a computer----------
Thus, Recognizing the Power (i.e., to Create), especially to create new opportunities, or improve a process, using a computer brings vision.
Let's start with motivation:
{As in the 1770's,} Revolutionary thinking begins here:
In a secret meeting room lit by candles, see one adamantly slamming one’s fist on a wooden table…
“Gentlemen, it must be done, by us, and not a moment too soon. There comes a time when one must move beyond the expected, the intentional, the chosen path, the way we’re determined to go, into the unknown- not to fate but to us thus far.
It’s not the time to hug the comfortable sidelines but a time to charge boldly forward because it is now, our time- less we miss it entirely and history passes us by.
It is time to release the wave of expectancy and passion to culminate in a movement, a tangible force drawing us ever forward, ever forward. It calls us with a beckoning we cannot mistake and a desire we cannot ignore. It’s a matter of the heart as well as the intellect.
This will require all, take everything we’ve got and demand more.
But, it is what differentiates the leaders from the following herds, the strong from the weak-minded, the heroes from the ordinary and mediocre.
It is forged by what’s in all of us and what we long to be, our makeup and our intent. It’s unavoidable and irrevocable, an inevitable and unrelenting call to our hearts.
It is both our destiny and our determined future, playfully challenging our soul as to what our very makeup is- questioning what our inner self is holding back.
It cannot be stopped nor contained, our soul longing to be fulfilled with the self-realization [actualization] that we are the heroes for today, of this time in history.
I beseech you to hear my plea, as a call to action.
Do not let the opportunity pass us by, to the detriment of many, the failing of hearts and the human spirit in us.
Oh how it’s in us. We are well able and extremely capable of catapulting to heights not thought possible or reachable in such a short time period.
I say again, it is our destiny and our determined purpose to accomplish this, our feat of excellence, climbing our mountains of obstacles and overcoming all to put an utmost end to the [ intellectual ] despair that plagues many.”
Why write this book? Because…
“Examples are good, but sometimes we have to be our own example- to see what we’re searching for others to do and begin doing it ourselves.”
When I saw the problem, and came across the path to the solution, how could I not write about it?
In addition, technology needs to be more craftily [ successfully ] directed towards females.
It’s this [keyboard] right in front of you;
[it’s just] you and it. If you hit the right keys and produce this [make it do this or that, perform this action], it’s powerful.
Chapter One: Know the Problem, Prime the Pump, and Follow the Path to the Solution
It’s time to prime the pump of the Innovation Quotient with a Skill Set.
Innovation Quotient: the intellectual ability to innovate, or create [the new IQ].
Skill Set: a basic foundation of skills.
It's about knowing the problem: the unnecessary inefficiency in programs out there that people have to work with, coupled with finding a path to the solution…
And how do we use technology? Computers, programming- the building blocks for telling technology what you’d like to have it do, and having it actually accomplish the task or tasks. It’s the brush and pen on a blank canvas just waiting for our intelligence. First of all, the hidden talented [females especially] don’t see it as such and that needs to be changed. Then, it needs to be made more accessible, easier to do (basically). The functions of a computer behind the scenes [1’s and 0’s] are truly amazing. We need to draw on its capability to design, and use it [for example: to write, to compose pictures, to put data together in useful, easily accessible ways to aid our work processes and buying and selling online]. Technology is much too good to not spread the excitement of what’s possible (using it to work for us).
I stumbled across a way not only to assuage my frustration of not being able to come full circle and change what I saw that wasn't working [on my computer system], but to aid those I knew were afflicted with this same problem, described as:
Seeing a need for a change but not being able to do one thing about it; consequently, squelching (my, or) their creativity and keeping them feeling helpless in that situation.
The path to the solution can be defined as enabling others to be able to program an answer, or fix, right where they are; thereby, positively affecting and possibly changing their lives.
Chapter Three: It Will Lie in the Instructing…
Who will be the ones to enable many of the patiently-waiting, handing them the ability to program simple things [answers] just where they are?
Teachers of Computer Science will play a crucial role.
I attempt to motivate them by asking them to imagine what many of us are experiencing:
[to imagine not having their computer skills]
What would you do?
How would you be restrained [held back]?
To the teachers of Computer Science:
You’ve ‘been with’, using your skills [used to them] for so long…
Can you put yourself in others’ shoes? Again, Imagine, not having those skills:
Being stranded out in the workforce (in a company, working for a company) working day in, day out, on a computer system…
seeing what can be improved [the little, but big things, that would make your daily operations, or tasks, a little bit easier and smoother] but, only, not being able to do anything about it (to change it, or fix it)? Now, how do you feel? =That’s most of the Country, in the workforce.
Welcome to my world [their world]. Hmmm… one can certainly, almost, smell the opportunity.
It is a way for those in the field of Computer Science to spread their knowledge base to the many, frustrated, in the underproductive world they live and breathe in.
Establishing the fact that we need to equip them:
Now think, what would attract me (or them) to Computer Science?
Do you realize how many you could help?
Do you realize how you could make their lives better: increasing their productivity, and/or enjoyment of their work,
enabling them with tools to create what they never could before-
tapping into their potential [- the pursuit of happiness- ]?
A worthy goal, no doubt.
Break the trance, a limited fixation on what is.…Unless you want to continue to live in the Dark Ages.
And, Imagine how good it can be…
[Excerpt from]
Chapter Four: Programming Is Stuck in Its Rough Draft Form.
It’s Awkward!
Why most intelligent [people] are not attracted to Computer Science:
They don’t see its amazing application
How good it can be when it’s amazingly […] applied
[not succinctly, but more to the perfect spot, zoomed in on, targeted to]…
It should be like a noun and a verb [be logical]: flow [logically], fit better [fit perfectly to where you almost don’t notice the flow- it comes so easy].
Surely, we can do this [make programming flow like our English language, so you can type it as easy as I’m typing words now- without but a thought of “what word (command) am I thinking of using here?” or “how do I write (the order of the terms, numbers, symbols, functions, arguments)- these words, that I’m thinking of in my mind right now?”]. No, you wouldn’t have that delay in wondering how to write words [English] on a page, so you should make it to where you wouldn’t have that delay in writing code. You can argue that once you learn it, you’re proficient enough and there’s no delay. But I beg to differ. It can be more natural, have a natural flow- there’s something about it, where this is a key component that’s missing: in the order of the terms, the format, what the terms are themselves [the words you type or use in coding vs. the numbers etc.] I liken it to a bump in the road, or a pothole: sure we accept we may hit them, but can’t we fix them? Then, we can drive down a smoother road, not giving thought to the pavement and looking at where we’re going [what the program should do, what we’re trying to do with it]. It takes the focus off the unnecessary distractions, smooths out the rough edges, as in writing an essay.
We automatically think and type- think and type the words with such speed it seems an instantaneous transaction. If we took as much time setting up the format for programming [the terms used, the order we need to put the terms, variables, functions in, and what symbols should go where] as we did in setting up English grammar classes, we’d have world class writers [programmers] abounding. Oh, the set-up is good, amazingly brilliant, in terms of how you can type this word and it makes the computer work, and it increases in its complexity with functions and conditions [If this, do this, or else do this]= brilliant!]. Brilliant set up. We just need to clean it up, smooth it out for it to be optimally effective [and attractive for many to do; thus, tapping into a talent output we’ve not yet seen]. It’s the missing step. It’s been set up behind the scenes: the terms and symbols written a certain way make the computer actually do things, but they left it brilliantly a rough draft of what it can be.
Chapter Ten: The Hidden Talented
And why venture into the unknown? Isn’t technology the barrier breaker after all, the precipice, the way to change things? Society adapts to it as it adapts to society. To change society, introduce new technology… A new way of thinking will require new techniques [we can use]. We need to design the tools to take us forward. What I’m envisioning needs new things, not the same old same old; it’s inefficient [it’s not working]. It’s not working. It’s not working! Why continue what’s not working? Extend, adapt the grid to encompass different ideology.
Capture them, captivate them, lure them into, bring them to Computer Science.
We can build on the foundation, only construct a stronger, innovative structure.
We need a new structure. Superimpose it [a new way, plan, new ideas] over the existing framework. Lay it on top, keep what works and delete the rest; add the new to satisfy what is [now,] needed for today.
Stop living in what was, what Computer Science started out as. Though we can certainly appreciate our predecessors and their accomplishments [the set up they employed, and that we currently employ], we have to take the baton they metaphorically passed to us and keep running forward [lest we drop the ball and destroy the momentum they started; in a race to strive, use competition for its primary goal, to push us to do better, excel]. What are we capable of? Certainly, we can’t let them be the end all…we have to continue on to honor the immense, amazing field they set up, and no less, for us. Don’t we want to make technology all it can be, do everything possible? After all, it’s what they envisioned, took action on, started, and made… built a tangible, workable, highly admirable foundation. I can see Steve Jobs in the beginning, highly motivated and envisioning: envisioning change, something better, something great to share with the world, and his explosive excitement to share his answer to everything with us. Some of us have that same unction in us. Let’s fan the flame.
We must go on to what’s ahead, lest we stagger behind for decades. Break the trance, the fixation on what cannot be changed, to see what it can be evolved into: a more beautiful, inclusive, highly functional state.
With all the talent out there, in Computer Science, and in business, already…why hasn’t this been done? What is it you can’t see? Focus, then do it. It really is a simple concept, and completely doable [given the talent ‘out there’, someone knows how to do ‘that’, then someone will know how to use ‘that’ in this capacity, and so on…it’s a linked list…so c’mon]. Are we afraid of a little hard work? It’s tremendously rewarding, to endeavor to do such things.
[In a secret meeting room lit by candles, adamantly slamming one’s fist on the wooden table…" gentlemen, it must be done…"
"there comes a time when one must move beyond the expected, the intentional, the chosen path, the way we’re determined to go, into the unknown–not to fate but to us thus far…”] What do you see? What is, or What Can Be.
The hidden talented…
They won't have a chance, and they certainly should.
We need to form a bridge that has the possibility to connect them to the computer languages that exist now. The bridge needs to consist of a similar enough format as to not water down computer languages to unrecognizable or un-transferable knowledge, but different enough to attract them [using new terminology, tools, computer screen layouts that will be the extended family, or closely related to the languages and formats that exist now in computer languages]. Give me a new computer language that’s a better version [more user friendly, attractive, with re–written terminology used to explain the functions but still understandable and transferable as synonyms are]; it doesn’t need to be so different that we can’t transfer the skills we learn using it [the start-with-me-language] to other computer languages. Only, it needs to be better, the best we can [collectively] do.
If you won’t… I want to make it crystal clear what you’re missing out on.
Chapter Seven: This Intellectual Revolution Needs Better Tools to Make the Intellectual Materialize- to Let What We Think Become Reality, for the Betterment of Us All
Why bother with the pursuit of reaching more of the hidden talented [including females] for Computer Science? This stretch-i-n-g applies to all that are currently categorized as the not-yet-reached-but-should-be [because they have the ability].
It’ll not only help them but all of us. If you make the field better for them, the bottom line is, it will evolve, and just be better. Who doesn’t like better?
More specifically, to continue offering up the endless evidence showing why is it important to reach females for Computer Science [as well as the hidden talented]:
I have come across the example after example of women with such an aptitude and drive for making their computer systems work better,
for their own benefit…self-taught, ones who will play around with the computer until they figure it out:
what it can do,
what it should do.
Only, they don't see how Computer Science will help them to create.
They don't recognize that it's for them – Let's change that…
[Without us] they won't have a chance, and they most certainly should.
They are the talented, driven, enthusiastic, ’the born naturals’ not given the proper tools to prosper in ‘their’ field. After all, whose field is it other than the ones that own it, Live it, breathe it, are born to do it, and can do it (have the ability)?
There is equal opportunity available using technology but it’s not easy [easily seen, easily attempted] since it’s awkward [as of yet]. It’s a ladder missing some rungs. The free flowing of ideas is why they say the computer was invented. This revolution is different from the Industrial Revolution in the sense as it is an idea, invention-oriented, revolution. Females, largely, missed the Industrial Revolution since it was primarily hands-on [physically make these: products or machines]. The tech. revolution shouldn’t echo a “you have to be hands on in this industry or get out” mantra. We should all be bettering the facility, or way the ideas are translated into tangible items or usable products.
This societal, economic revolution… This time, this one: it’s not physical, it’s intellectual. The tools should be easier to use to make the intellectual materialize - let what we think become reality, for the betterment of us all.
Looking at it as a field, the issue of why it hasn’t attracted females in respectable numbers, per se, will force us to improve it.
To further dissect the particular problem of ‘why females aren’t very attracted to Computer Science’ will raise questions and provide solutions that will benefit us all.
Why isn’t the industry trying harder to attract the-intelligent-and-productive-missing who haven’t found the value in Computer Science yet? Are they seen as:
- Not worth attracting Or, maybe they are
- deemed as those who may not follow through [to expert level/or ever become an expert]
[Excerpt from]
Chapter Twelve: The Largely Overlooked, Under-addressed, Target Audience- the Already Employed, Technologically Frustrated
We need to pool and use our years of cumulative experiences.
Those in the Computer Science field need to expand their vision of their target audience.
It goes far beyond college students. *See appendix
Those already out in the work world are not sheltered in the, somewhat, ‘let’s pretend’ environment of first year college students.
They have all important and, not to be discounted, [significant] life and work experience.
After all, it’s a way of thinking [“How To Think”]. They have experienced specific system issues and related problems and probably have hoped for, and actually thought of, possible solutions. They are well able to learn; they have the ability to function in an ever changing work environment and be successful at it. They’ve seen a lot and know what needs to be changed, only they don’t possess the tools to change anything, yet.
It’s to persuade business leaders to focus software development [language development] specifically to reach, and to be able to teach them.
It’s for the educational field to focus on wooing them, catering to them in terms of products offered [software- partnering with business to foster development of new, better teaching, and learning tools], working on or fine tuning the presentation [as well as advertising- what’s in it for them, spelling out what opportunities they will have that they don’t now], and delivering it with exact precision focused on them.
We need a revolution- new way of thinking, of doing things (picture the revolutionaries’ thought processes that changed our country). There’s risk, but are we any less able? If they can do it, so can we. How are heroes made? Let’s find out. Because how we’ve been doing it isn’t working; not tapping into the ‘sleeping giant’ talent at our disposal…readily, actually, and enthusiastically, enabling them to change the world.
In the business world, we operate under the mantra: “find a need; fill it,” but on a more human level, it’s helping others reach their potential, who now, don’t have a chance at all. It’s about giving people the power to create better ways of doing things. Natural born programmers need to be equipped with the tools…likened to putting a brush in Monet’s hands; thus, giving them the power to create what’s already inside them. We’re just enabling them to do what they were born to do. We need to make a way for them to add their unique creativity and talent to Computer Science to foster inventions/innovations… We need to do more to seek them out and train them to live up to their innate ‘technological’ potential…enabling them to push the envelope in terms of technological development [innovation]. By all means, give them a forum to allow them to brainstorm (dream) and submit their ideas [change the world]…to Create what Should be.
Have a look at the Future of Computer Science and gaze at what opportunity awaits; we can do so much.
[Excerpt from]
Chapter Sixteen: Release the ‘Entrepreneurial Spirit’
Innovation is important, and opportunity is what, when capitalized on, will truly make us the world’s most admired entity.
Innovation, coming to fruition, shows that invention is still alive and well [in our country].
This would exemplify an entrepreneurial spirit that shows a reconfiguring, evolving processes, or making things better, is encouraged. It exemplifies an evolving entity, always pressing forward, reaching to a new level, focused on the future, looking ahead- going from ‘why can’t we?’ to ‘how can we?’
It gives hope. It can show that a collection of diverse individuals can pool their talents, experiences, intelligence, ideas and really accomplish something lasting, leave their mark on the world, making an impact. Innovation, we still have it and this will prove it.
It can foster a positive environment for employees———people——- get them focused on developing their potential.
It’ll enable us to tap into the power that lies within the ‘sleeping giant’ of our knowledge base that’s within our employees———people—— on all levels. After all, they [the people who work on the systems] determine what actually works and what doesn’t [the capabilities and inefficiencies of the systems].
It’s for those who have an entrepreneurial spirit but are without a voice thus far.
How to attack and overcome the Intimidation Factor (head on)
Fear- the ‘intimidation factor’ and disarming it
It’s brilliantly, technically [what it can do/ the setup] designed- but not as user-friendly as needed/ necessary to bring ‘em into the field,
What exactly are they afraid of? Let’s describe the problem.
Technology- why is it intimidating [especially to females]?
“It’s different”- ‘What do you mean?’ “Well…”
It’s based on right/correct formulas [lines of numbers and symbols combined with recognizable-by-the–computer terminology/words/commands].
Then, you get more specific in defining the desired result.
The terms are often not-understandable [so to speak], or they’re hard [they make it hard to easily recall the definition].
We need clarification, and for them to be in simple form- not another long explanation [memorize it, or else you won’t know it].
Memorization makes it harder to recall and use it quickly. We need some ‘Image association.’ Let me explain. “Image association” is similar to a concrete word- an associated definition. Hearing or seeing ‘this’ makes me seemingly naturally think of ‘this’ [related concept].
We can rename things, sometimes similar to what’s already there, by utilizing [easier] synonyms.
Also, it’s technical, or complex, formula-like (algebra-like? math-like?): the lines are not as organized as they could be, the indents- sometimes hard to understand, and where the ending goes- what links what (‘what’ circles of operations lie within the other circles?) [circles are a good way to describe it, the circles of operations].
It’s unappealing- ‘What do you mean?’ The white cursor on a black screen (technical, signifying intimidation);
The same font everywhere doesn’t let you distinguish one collection of operations vs.
another [collection, or circle of operations].
*Think Simplicity, but simplicity in looks alone,
never compromising the computer’s ability to complete complex functions/actions.
To the powers that be in the technology field- stop kicking back [complacent] and do this, and do it now pls.
Business’ Role
We need to think bigger- ask the hard questions- Why are our results limited?
Do I want to put forth the effort?
Can I really think out of the box?
And, if I can: How do I facilitate change? How do I become a leader?
Don’t change it [computer program design] drastically [unrecognizably] but closely tie a language to what’s there now.
And, it should be a little easier than the [somewhat of a shock] method that’s likened to being pushed into the water where you either sink or swim.
We need the “floaties” on our arms and the floating-board to hold onto while we “kick” our legs, to build up our confidence.
The steps between ‘this’ and ‘that’ need to be filled in.
We’re missing boards in our boardwalk here.
Sure, you can still navigate through, but why would you want to make it harder than it should be.
Chapter Twenty-Three: Computer Science Must Concentrate and
Reach: far, w i d e, long
To think about effectively teaching Computer Science, we must Concentrate on the REACH:
o far
o wide
o long
How Far-reaching Computer Science can be, the wide-scope it can have,
the long term-effects of…
Give them examples of why it’s a valuable skill for them, or how they can take it back to use it in their field of work. This is what I wish I had in my field of work; it would’ve solved many computer system problems, made me feel more valuable as an employee, and more productive as a person. Computer Science is the path to the solution- and the minute I recognized that, it was empowering.
To think, if I could go back in time, to the inefficient system I worked on coupled with management constantly asking “how can we improve the system?”-
I would have an answer or two; I could fix it [with just a touch of computer programming knowledge, or know how]. Amazing.
I’m proposing a language altered, not the functionality behind how the 1’s and 0’s make the computer work, but a redefined or renamed group of terms [explained differently, maybe using similar words] and the way they’re presented in the lines with which symbols, in what colors or shapes- we can tweak all this. Why not start tweaking, to be able to attract many into Computer Science? Once they try, and are comfortable with a basic computer language they can grasp and use, they can make the bridge to the other languages [now having a foundation]. They are a large market. They will have a domino effect. Get some and some others will see, and think they may be able to… The image of Computer Science will be forever altered in a most positive way: open for all, [for you], come and show us what you can do.
The way it stands now, they’re not attracted to programming. They won’t look at it, much less think they’re able to do any of it, or question why they’d want to. This is wrong, absolutely wrong. It needs to be changed big time. The field is so wide open and the possibilities are almost endless- think about it and all that technology has done in a couple decades, the amazing advances, especially in how business is conducted [feeds our GNP] in productivity advancements. We can hardly imagine all that’s left to do, be developed, or be tapped into.
Females tend to be intimidated by what they don’t readily understand or recognize [hence, math, technical terms or definitions, complex functions; resulting in technical information overload]. I think if you break it down, make it ‘easier to see’ [in aesthetics, in its functionality clearly defined], they will begin to see it.
They need to see its power [working], how it works, its functions…to see past the technical graffiti wall to the beauty and logic of the flow of functions and operations [what it can do and how it does it]. And when they can visualize it they can begin to see themselves using it,
learning it,
trying it…
Computer language:
How does it read? A computer language is “written” poorly as compared to [using] our English language [it Doesn't flow]. It’s not smooth [as a well-constructed book or essay].
Let’s explore that. Think about: Subject verb agreement, Parallel phrases, Same tense. Now look at a computer program using those rose colored glasses. What makes a well written essay? Where are the same concepts or components missed in a computer language?
Analyze/ take apart computer programs- don’t look at everything that’s out there
[some of the following ideas may be in use already, but I’ll add them in anyway]:
It’s unappealing, [so…]
We can use circles [lines, links] to:
show connections,
what’s behind the scenes- indentations, etc.
and to
relate it to ___ [show relations, of this to that]
[help us] remember [links, connections of this part to that part of the program], for
[showing us where there could be] computer program improvements
as a way to learn (or teach) [a better way to teach]
It's more than what our eyes see, it's how our minds work: to understand, grasp a concept– [what this does, or represents].
So parallel the experiences I say.
Similar to learning a written language– is it more than repetition?
– Repeating in our minds: ‘this definition’ is represented by ‘this word.’
Education’s role should be to determine who’s taught and why.
What are we doing to equip them with the tools, to make the learning format more simplified, prettier, or to seek out, and find them [the Bookends: H.S. AP candidate (not exercising the opportunity) to the Master’s degree recipient], to do better: train up the future, give them the power to change the world, and recognize the student’s level and adapt to them. After all, they are the Edisons’-before-their-fame: afraid, overlooked, frustrated, devalued probable inventors.
And then there’s the opportunity to reach the missing link; it describes a trickle-down effect. Given the opportunity to be a role model for those around them [their children, co-workers, friends], will permit this positive influx of influence to live on, progress onto others, and so on…and so on.
Tiaras and roses as they come in will attract them initially, but won’t change it for them, keep them involved, keep them there, keep them in it; appealing to the exterior, using the physical place, through workshops, grandiose work areas [desks] does not encompass the internal draw necessary to keep them in Computer Science. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we can readily address it.
On the whole, without a significant number of females in Computer Science, we are without heart in this field.
Females are made up differently [with leans toward different tendencies]: great, beautiful (in their own right), not less than a man, complimentary to their counterparts in many ways, and in many ways like them.
Those who fail to see the Leans toward different tendencies [with lack of respect for our differences], won’t address the issue in any successful manner.
For the easier-to-be-confident-in-the-business-world-set-up society provides for males [all business mindset- make money, make products; containing sometimes seemingly built in world-conquering drives], it may not be about “how do I use this to reach people and help them?” as much as it can be with females.
Why can't it be easy to understand what you're trying to do [with the computer]?
…as easy as: Do “this.” Do “that.”
…easy to understand, using well-thought out, appropriately descriptive [but not too complicated] commands.
In between…Kindergarten and PhD vocabulary [in the middle], just enough.
-as in what code you're trying to write- you're double or triple thinking/multi-tasking already
[Excerpt] - Remember curiosity? Tap into that.
When learning (something new) was fun…
No Verbal Pauses in Technology Please We Can’t Afford it [Excerpt] We Need to Remember Their Actions Immediately Without Delay in Wondering, for Increased Efficiency
[Excerpt] The Problem with PERFECTIONISM:
The problem with most programs- they need to be complete and completely correct, no margin for error [other than relying on error messages];
AND, a perfect 100% is a lot to ask of a beginner.
Although, that [‘Maybe you can’t do it all at once (perfectly)’] shouldn’t stop you from doing what you can.
Goals to work on: Make programs…
[Excerpt] It’s like not being able to put your finger on it.
I know there’s more to be found [done] but not exactly; if I could only… if I had… that’s it:
if I could [tell me I can], and if I had [enable me with the tools].
Is this an impossibility?
Certainly not, with all the technology and technological development available to us…the great minds that can use it and develop who knows what; c’mon, the brilliant ones can do it and they should.
Chapter Twenty-One: How the Educational Hierarchy Can Reach Important but Under-addressed Target Audiences
To the educational hierarchy:
Usually, based on their makeup, females are not willing to just ‘do it’ [“okay, now do it”], a pure ‘try and fail’ method of learning. They need help, or aid.
“Enaic” 5 women figured their computer out by doing.
Women are not usually given an environment to learn by practicing [by doing]. So,
it remains a field, on the whole, too intimidating thus far, for them.
‘Learn, then do, and I’ll watch you’, or otherwise said: ‘I’ll grade you on something hard [your computer knowledge] you don’t have a working knowledge on or know how to really apply to different situations/applications.’
They most certainly can do it…they have talents, abilities, skills, and good ideas!
Give them something to aspire to.
First of all, they need a path with steps- education is the provider.
There’s not a clear path, a cause and effect, an “I do this and get that [result]” in education;
a ‘how will it help me succeed’ exactly, not figuratively, answer.
It needs to be defined in no uncertain terms.
“Take this class, get this skill,” translates to ______ [what? it needs to be spelled out].
While educating them, The Achilles' heel for females, lack of self-confidence, needs to be addressed.
They need positive reinforcement and constant reminders that they are well able to do this. Many intelligent females are genuinely surprised when told they have a good idea, or are smart.
Educators should motivate them by “getting in their face” [looking them in the eyes] and telling them… ----->
[From my essay directed toward educators, promoting a partnership between educators and the business world (circa 2015)]:
I will attempt to persuade you, if I may, to not only think of educating using pathways down the traditional avenues [universities, schools] but to ponder wooing corporate America and tapping into their preexisting infrastructure [already set up for such a purpose]: the people, the place, the want and need.
It’s time to awaken the sleeping giant… [the human resource; the largest asset companies already have in their grasp, and at their disposal]. Use what’s there. Strengthen it. Make it excel in its given purpose.
Making America great again…it will come through education.
What? There’s not a clear path, a cause and effect, an “I do this and get that [result]” in education; a ‘how will it help me succeed’ exactly, not figuratively, answer. It needs to be defined in no uncertain terms. “Take this class, get this skill,” translates to [what? It needs to be spelled out]. Give them something to aspire to. They need a path with steps- education is the provider. While performing the prescribed modus operandi- remember- in all teaching, the rules of ‘simplify’, ‘encourage’, and ‘present-with-enthusiasm’ are key, not add-ons.
How? Partner with companies to grow-up their more than capable employees through information gathering [also an asset for you in terms of research], determining what they need, and then providing seminars/classes-----or, teach them how to succeed. Simply said: Educate them.
Why? What else? Since lack of self-confidence seems to be an enormous Achilles heel for females, it needs to be addressed. Many of my under-educated, intelligent female co-workers were genuinely surprised then I told them that they had a good idea and they performed a task well…to [further] illustrate this, when I told a college educated female it was admirable for her to go for her Master’s in Psychology and that she was smart, she told me that ‘no one’s ever said anything like that’ to her before. Shocking, and disturbing.
Educators could motivate by “getting in their face” so to speak [looking them in the eyes] and telling them they can do it, their ideas are good, that they have talent/abilities/skills…And by all means, give them a forum to allow them to brainstorm/dream and submit their ideas [change the world].
Break It Down
Break Down ‘The Way…’
Using Python class notes:
“The general form of a function call:
function name (arguments)” [Univ. of….]12
A ‘function call’, ‘a function call’… [think about this, what it means]
Again, focus on Design and Reconstruction.
The concept (s) is (are) brilliant
· how it works: 1’s and 0’s
write this, make it compute that
…a million (different functions)
But it’s
intellectually unattractive [in its Set Up, and Presentation].
In the beginning…we had Assembly Code.
…how the inventors of computer languages jumped from this to that…
This term led [progressed] to terminology defined in this [a very] particular way,
specifically and intentionally [for a reason- and could it have been for a better reason?]---hence my dilemma, and the opportunity-----
All things written can be improved---in layman's terms: goal- make it easier for them to understand it!!!
[Excerpt from]
Chapter Thirty-Three Environment is a factor.
There exists Different Rules of Conduct [in the Way Many People See the Same Thing]
That’s why programming is rejected, so easily.
It lies in the Ways of thinking/approaching things. It’s not less than, just different- even better in some ways
[conclusion: there are different ways of approaching the same thing].
In conversation:
Country: more friendly, and Descriptive, with more explaining, More get to know you
Not just in-a-rush/accept-this [what I say]- just the facts [can seem dry].
Coming from above [Country way], that can result in a quick judgment of ‘why bother’?
There are many good reasons…if Explained interestingly, and properly (explaining the usefulness and attractiveness).
Conclusion: more needs to be said, and a little differently.
It’s where you start out. It’s the concept of where ‘you’re coming from’ that needs to be taken into consideration and then; consequently, our methods [of teaching/ communicating/ explaining programming concepts] adapted to [fit] it.
Not everyone can successfully immerse themselves into a city environment;
A lot of people don’t live in big cities:
It Doesn’t mean they can’t do things.
It Doesn’t mean they can’t do what you do, know what you know IF they’re
talked to in the right manner.
What’s been missed, to a huge degree, is a concept that needs to be looked at:
It is the environment they’re used to that we need to address. They are used to
an environment, come from an environment…what environment are they used to?
And, what does it mean [to us]?
That makes all the difference in the captivation phase [where you peak their interest in Computer Science] and the implementation phase [where they begin, dive in, explore].
They can adapt, if shown properly how to,
A “start here” [a number of] “look at it
Relate it to something:
1) they understand
2) already know
3) more simple, or something basic
Tie it in: “this” is really like “this”
New knowledge Existing knowledge
Ex.: They need a map (route)
They need givens
To be made aware of exceptions
Local protocol
Even how programming is described:
“concatenate” for “join [together]”-
‘We are gathered here today to concatenate this man and …’ “Concatenate”? Really?
It’s Mostly, purely functional, irrespective of the [poor] design
“Just the facts, M’aam” dryness about it.
It’s cold and critical.
It demands perfection [leave a semicolon out and see what happens (in a program)].
When they say “appearance isn’t everything,” in this case, it is, [in]:
1) [set up] presentation
2) and marketing:
o How it’s sold;
o what is being sold [trying to be sold];
o what it looks like (to others).
[Computer Science course titles--?
Have you noticed how they look/how they read? = not attractive].
There is no way they’re going to attract those not seeking it out
[for those who seek it out don’t care anything at all about how it looks].
“Communicating with your computer”
is a more friendly, curiosity-invoking title than “computer programming” [for example].
It’s time to begin Messing with preconceived notions and philosophies, challenging the establishment, offering up something to think about, to foster the beginning of addressing… this issue, to clarify what’s going to be done.
Succinctly said:
Begin to address… this issue [computer programming perceptions].
Succinctly said:
Begin to address… this issue [computer programming perceptions].
this way” [phrases]
[or “think of it like this”]
[a basic overview]
[add’l info: ‘streets run N to S’]
[‘except for around this notable landmark on such and such street’; ‘but the building’s big; you’ll recognize it’]
[‘wave to call a taxi; discuss your destination; pay by cash or credit card’]
It’s about Design and Reconstruction
…more specifically, how to use computers: Dissecting, establishing connections, diagramming the flow, taking action.
Come at it from a study of how a written language is constructed.
We can Diagram or utilize a Picture concept:
We need to define The Big or Related Picture, the Coming Together Process in terms of Where I want to go,
with this Direction [The Completeness we’re searching for, defined].
We can use more Colors. They Draw your eye to or blend the whole nicely; consequently, it makes a better presentation of the material. Make it aesthetically pleasing. Make sure the overall presentation blends well together.
We can Draw (it out), or, take it apart: like diagraming a sentence [for deeper understanding]. Idea: Here you can add circles or groups of other operations to come up with the desired result within the first define. Make everything [establish its domain, home, description] a circle or big outline.
Diagram A Program:
To better understand, Learn, or to be able to explain [code]… just maybe, we can try coming at it from a study of how a written language is constructed– in terms of how it's made to flow smoothly–
Not the miniscule parts (i.e. letters) but sentence to sentence [the medium stage or arena, so to speak, versus a small or large arena].
Additionally, we can, LIKE A TRANSPARENCY, draw over it [the program]. We need to make the ability to do so.
We can use circles and arrows, that will show flow from one to another: from idea, concept, or ACTION to another, i.e. a loop, i.e. arguments, call them [like the poker terminology, “I’ll call…you”]; write notes over the program.
Chapter Thirty-One: How to Use Computers- Ground Level Specifics [Excerpt:]
o Make everything within brackets with new fonts, or the same font but italicize it?
o Then bold some; then standardize each section= use a design [maybe as a “#include design io”?]
o Allow Words to be written above the lines of code [i.e. conditions, or have words faded
over the lines (in light gray)] as a learning tool?
o Have Words beside the commands [temporarily?] to aid in increased understanding of
the terms, i.e. “Print” as ‘Print {or,display},” “Return” as “Return {mem. Address},” and
“While” as “While {as long as}”
o Allow Lines or Arrows [maybe call this functionality “#include write over io”?]
o Allow Words or Notes [doc.] attached to the right of the screen?
For example: maybe add words or notes on the right of the screen to better define
conditions: “when” [this happens…] shown as [on the screen]:
“____________” when
or add words to better define arguments “if this exists” then “do this” [the action] shown as:
“________” if this exists
“________” do this
o More spaces between different parts in the line- ‘argument, sp., sp., condition’ [with an arrow back from code to argument]
o A write over the code functionality for teaching [or students doing exercises]
o In addition, it’d be nice to see, instead of an error message, a “not exactly” message [not say “Error” but say “not exactly” on the screen]
Chapter Forty-Two: Why Learn It?
Remember the beauty in learning how to write [English]?
Start off slow: [Many/]We First learned to match subjects with actions.
The beauty when you can add more precise description/s, adjective/adverbs phrases
like what, how, where
adding more information
becoming more specific and precise
painting a picture others will better understand
The beauty of language [being able to express your thoughts]. That’s powerful.
It only gets better- there are more words and more you can do with them.
Human intelligence:
We’re meant to put things together
Take this here, combine it with that [info]
And do that
‘Come up with [=]’
To order things, organize things, use a combination of things
to do new and better things.
That’s using our intelligence,
which results in us feeling productive (and alive)
[Using our minds].
With the computer’s capabilities,
a whole new world (or set of things to use and combine to form new and better things) has now arrived.
[More Excerpts]
Are some living under the erroneous belief: “we love computer science so much despite the form, the way it’s presented, that everyone should or will love it [just the way it is]”?
I doubt the form is so loved, but its usefulness/uses [what it can do for you].
Make it attractive to a wider audience, or others will miss its usefulness [what it can do] because of the current form and its limitations [to attract many that are not used to the raw form/version].
To remedy the situation and make it intellectually attractive to them isn’t hard to visualize. It’s largely a matter of the terms used and the presentation [physical attributes, or how-code-looks-on-a-computer-screen to them].
Smooth over the
rough edges of the terms, and soften how it looks on the screen [the actual format] and the increased interest will be there.
Enable the Environment, so to speak:
To develop [construct, or make] an environment that lets them see…is conducive to birthing ideas, where it is possible [something they never thought possible before]…
and let them go on to the conclusion, [to think] “What can I do?”
Ask: What can I do – given the tools- and, what can you do?
[Focus them on] the possibilities…take the limits off.
Get them to the point where they begin to think “maybe, I can…”
We need to build bridges between a new foundation and what exists now.
We can use a completely new computer language that’s similar to, but different than, those that currently exist. It should incorporate the current functions and basic format, as well as terminology, so after you learn it [and have confidence you can actually program], you can cross over to the existing programs. You need to be able to relate the new language to the old languages; it’s imperative. That will be the draw into the field for many. It will build the absolutely needed confidence for many to try, in the Computer Science field. You will bring that to the table. You would/will already have an understanding but one you have confidence in; so, you’d want to continue, expand your knowledge in what else is out there, see what else you can do, and explore what more you can learn in the field of Computer Science. This is the way to grab their interest, and keep them learning. It is what’s missing now and until we have this, the field won’t be all it can be; it won’t draw the talented ones we’re missing now.
When you see programming language, the sheer brilliance behind it is intriguing, captivating–the ones and zeros– Who thought of that? Must be a cross over, of disciplines among the sciences, the utilizing electricity, switches and what They can do in a physical medium [computer], Forming so many representations/ outputs [words, pictures, apps]…….
Though the ideas behind it, specifically describing what actions to take, the different scenarios,
[if this happens, do this, Or else do this– Conditional logic?]
and the allowing of closing the doors to the different opportunities available, in order to prevent errors,
Is amazing… [Computer Science concepts are great: loops, “if, then” functionality!],
most programming languages,
as they stand now:
impede communication, and
are not logically expressed.
As a result, they [most] cannot: learn it, understand it, use it, or even enjoy [using] it.
English language to Computer Science language…
Equals failing.
how the translation from English to programming language is
It’s similar to still trying to go by Old English- “thou knowest not; wilt thee…” instead of modern English.
“Thou wilt” vs. “You will”
Why use “thou wilt” when you can say “you will”?
When one studies languages, one would start with one’s own.
Overlap the terms [your words] to the new language’s [matching] words.
A virtual “This” = “That”
The smoother the transition, the more understandable “that” is, or
the easier it is to absorb it into your knowledge base,
the easier it is to remember it,
the easier it is to use it.
It’s all in the word choice-
not too clumsy, too simple, too complex,
but mid-range vocabulary, just enough.
And it’s in its position relative to other words and symbols [as positioning shown in a sentence].
Work on adding better/more descriptive Sequence [or sequence designators/markers]
Note the transitions/ pay close attention to the transitions when drawing a picture, creating an English description of a computer program. Making sure one is using more descriptive and complex [different] transition words/ phrases, or links.
o Not simple transitions such as ‘and’ or ‘then’ [‘and this’; ‘then that’].
o Better transitions/transitional phrases such as: ‘start’ ‘after that’ ‘end up with’
would better delineate the sequence with precision [making the flow easier to understand, quickly].
It should be more like a Picture, a Painting, a Movie, where our eyes take it all in, all the separate parts at once
as separate parts having their own defining characteristics but still one [a whole entity functioning together].
Chapter Thirty: HOW It Should Look: The Key Word is Separate [the action verb: separate]
Of course; notwithstanding, an easier [new] computer language to learn should be a basic program:
o that can fix little things- [it doesn’t have to have complete functionality- that’ll come later]
o that can speak to any computer system/ across languages [using “Include”s?- it’d interpret
this language to that language, in that one’s terms]
A computer programming screen looks like one condensed mess sometimes, too busy to the eyes to want to learn.
It has to look better to allow others to learn it [grasp it better, or] more easily.
Have you studied a computer program lately [how it looks]?
Forget just lines, up and down with indentations.
It should have Columns or Sections:
A | B | C
The Columns should be set up to work [function] simultaneously, unless stated otherwise [maybe using a default as “with” to denote the action needs to be simultaneously performed, or a drop down that has “after” to denote “after the previous section,” to require action that’s performed in alphabetical order, “Do” B column “after” column A]. And,
If a>0 | If a<c | Do “this”
…maybe, to Satisfy all your “Do, While” loops or “If, Else” statement conditions on one line-- section them off, box them [package them into separate ideas/actions that still remain connected but are slightly grouped, to better organize the picture of the simultaneous actions, for easier and faster understanding at first glance].
The computer should recognize what it is to group: small parts within each line of code.
Group the first couple of words and symbols, then have 2-3 spaces, the next group, on one line.
Have smaller spaces between the lines in sections that are similar, and maybe group them vertically.
How about the ability to hit a ‘fn’ key [to designate a new ‘paragraph’ so to speak] to group parts [hit a key and it’ll half-space it here- this ‘paragraph’ or section]?
To Differentiate the meaning or action going on “here” from “there”:
It’s paramount to have different Fonts built in- to separate the main actions- from the other actions [‘loops,’ etc. from calculations], and
make the main action words Bigger than anything else on the page [increase the size]
Some Main words should be underlined
[*The easier it is to recognize the terms as quickly as possible, the better]
Utilize Faint text boxes around groups of actions- using rectangles, or even use
Dash lines can be used to connect ideas and closely related actions [“loops’?]
Different, related-action-words should be different colors [we have many colors
available to use; why not use more of them, instead of only using two or three
Allow different colors [with a click] per line or section
[Have programs] Contain the ability to draw lines [just for appearance, not
functionality] from one action to another [linking one part to another related part,
i.e. ‘loops’]
Allow small square note blocks of comments [similar to a tiny piece of note
paper] to go over the program [with a click on to show all, and to hide all, notes]
When you want to pair words [a string] with a calculation, why not box the
calculation [put the calculation into a box to make it very distinctive for better
understanding on a first read]?
[3=1+2]… what we’re used to [a+b=c].
‘new a= a + b’ … a+b=new a
Why can’t this be reversed, as in math equations [or in the progression of stories written in English], as follows:
OR [Else]:
Why not make a computer program look at the line with the equal sign first (when it’s enclosed in a mathematical equation [distinguish there are 2 separate parts connected by a +,-,*, or / symbol--- set it to recognize that situation]; that is, as compared to an assignment, as with a string) OR
flip it later [via programming instruction]-
write the equation as I did [‘a+b=new a’]
but later move the ‘=’ [what it equals] to the front of the line [‘new a=a+b’]
to promote easier understanding for a beginner
[and give an exact English description, a word per section in the order displayed].
They’re not giving it an order by assigning a variable/ [by just] naming it [the variable/giving the variable a ‘title’ i.e. ‘LATEST_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_FISH’], just stating a location of a value.
Sure you can understand the names [what the assignments mean; you can see that it’s the “latest total number of fish” and understand the English meaning/words], but you’re losing in the sequence [we’re used to ‘a+b=c (or new a)’].
To say again: The flow [in the names/assignments]
is lacking an order we’re already used to seeing [a+b=c]. 1+2=3 ‘a+b=new a’
Order is easy to see in what we’ve already learned for years…English, math equations, etc.
It’s a misplaced order too [3=1+2], according to what we’re used to [a+b=c].
It’s not as easy to retain when it’s form is like that…so, it lowers your retention [of it/makes the knowledge harder to recall and use].
annual rainfall += july rainfall
[say it in English]
This plus to equal that also [included with or in]
This plus equals that [exact English description, a word per section in the order displayed]
This plus that
This plus that makes a new total of ‘this’ [now including ‘that’]
[Excerpt from:]
Chapter Forty: No Verbal Pauses in Technology Please. We Can’t Afford it
And, how do we break the terminology down?
Additionally, why should we break it down?
It will allow a greater number of people to grasp an understanding of the terms they need to easily access [in their minds] in order to use the concepts in programming. Think, quick and easy. Not too easy, but easy for us to access and use- make the turnaround time quick, in terms of reading the word and knowing what it means immediately, so you can immediately use it [no drag time, no lagging, no pausing to think ‘now what does this mean again?’]. It needs to be like reading English. [As adults,] we don’t need to pause on most of the words we read in a book.
Why is that?
Our basis for understanding, our foundation vocabulary, was built upon methodically in our years of study [in school]. We are no longer intimidated by words. We relate and match words up with other words we already know- say again- we relate and match up words [terms] with words we already know. That is an important key to foster the ability to learn Computer Science on a greater scale. It’s what the technologically brilliant developers of computer languages left out. They defined the terminology on the level they were on [way up here-- just think of translating 1s and 0s to action= brilliant minds] and not on a level most educated individuals would easily understand, to be able to use without pausing to have to think and define the terms [or to think they could use them without intimidation]. They failed to fully utilize the ‘word association’ approach to developing the terminology. Just because you can define something in a complex manner doesn’t mean you should. In other words, just because you understand it [using complex vocabulary], doesn’t mean others will [without being intimidated by the lack of smooth transitioning from our known language of English to the more intimidating programming language]. It can still be brilliant, and slightly complex, with the intimidating edge taken off it, as to be more welcoming, inviting: a ‘come, learn what you can do through me [programming]’ message.
Chapter Forty-Four The Complicated Beauty of Python
I love what it tells me it can do, is able to do, how it works, but…
Why is this so hard?
There’s something not right here…something about it.
Something makes it harder to learn.
Why…when it can be changed to not be so difficult: to see how this ____ Means that ____?
‘This’ will do ‘that.’
It’s in the: |
things that keys put together that will perform this action
can be changed,
revamped in this order
messed with [form]
Using these words,
Fun Phrases, symbols
Combination thereof
The example of changing
Tweaking things
To foster a wider appeal
My computer understands every key on my keyboard
- it’s there - right there.
My computer can perform so many functions.
How do I use my keyboard to better communicate with it?
Tap into that propensity to change things for the better.
This is the New Frontier- similar to when the West was settled.
A New frontier to conquer/with Growth [potential].
There’s ‘gold [$ opportunity] in them there hills’, doing this bridging
So, Go Get it [them] and profit.
Bridging [to] what’s there
old new
computer languages for them- [with average intelligence]
$ opportunity in
old <--- new
computer languages for them- [with average intelligence]
$ opportunity in
Start with thinking about them [their characteristics, needs], and work your way backwards to connect the computer language to them.
You can define a term using complex vocabulary, but why not take the intimidating edge off of it?
Let’s dissect function call to better define it so others can more easily understand it [let’s make it less intimidating].
“Function Call”:
“Call”: request
request it to function in this manner
request it to go/act
request it to a function/act41
“Function”: work
act [ivity]42
“Argument”: value given to a function43
“Executing a function call”:
“Evaluate the arguments”
“Call the function”
get it to work
“Passing in the argument values”:
“Passing”: to provide to a function
“the Values”:
“Providing” the values
Defining the values
Putting the values in
Putting the value on
On purpose - action thinking - mathematical [exact] - theoretical
Engage your thoughts about (a subject) before doing it.
Get thinking------------------- then doing
Action <-- thinking
Thinking about the action you’ll do, or perform
before you do it
Get a base, then Go, Do
Think- make conclusions -> then act [perform the action/s]
Go over it, and think about it for a while.
[I can’t put my finger on it] -> that’s how you put your finger on it, ‘click’ (clicks) into place
[because you haven’t] -> that’s how you “get it”
build it in your mind first
before, on the screen
Determine how to say:
what I’m doing
what I’m attempting to do
what I will use (to…)
And, Say it.
- Remember curiosity ? Tap into that.
When learning (something new) was fun…
or, something new- when it’s good and it’s fun.
Think about it, and use your imagination to ~ go off (in thinking about it)
[explore your thoughts on it] Let your mind wander with it.
Brainstorm (in effect).
Can’t come up with anything? You will.
Try to decisively conclude what you think about it.
Make it your own.
Practice Stopping and Thinking.
Lose the tendency to just jump in.
Let’s stop and talk about it (write).
They have to think about it, make associations
[Excerpt from:]
Chapter Forty-One: Learn the Terms
It would be great if we could focus on Understanding the terms first- the concepts.
So, Conceptualize.
Learn the logic (inherent in it) > Not just, or all, memorization
> Tap into a different part of our brain
Separate the logic [the understanding behind it] from what it actually does, the doing [action].
Teach it by having a Workshop on understanding the terms. Start with or have a chapter on it.
Exercise exercises in this [the terms] Combine story telling with the math symbols.
Write an essay on it first (to show understanding) [write about it to show you understand it (even write to yourself)]. To Write an essay on it: Don’t let them near computer screen
Describe it
That will be a part of- learning your perceptions: Make them think about it:
Your preconceived notions about it what they’re going to do, first.
“The psychology of”
Storytelling programming
Think about it:
Over here ~ Words ~ then ~ see it ~ over here- the numbers
and symbols
Think about it a lot.
A, ”We will be working with these concepts” illustration, per se.
”Before we use them, we’re going to learn these terms…”
“We’re going to play [have some fun] with them.”
For example, considering the term “Argument”- Ask, “What [what do you mean, by ‘argument’]”?
It’s about delving into thought…[provocation?]
What provokes your thoughts about Computer Science?
What do your thoughts provoke?
Conditions/Givens: Questions to ask here are-
What needs to happen?
[Foundational Logic] What do we start with? What do we know?
starting blocks (of a foundation) [not the computer figuring things out— that’s later]
Think of it like a building:
cement trusses/ studs/ walls
The inside being what we want to figure out: The calculations- what will complete the building
Build It
[Up] in the wooden structure [that is a given] which is set according to the plan [particular blueprint you’re working with]
What are we going to build?
What are the components/ building materials (we will be using)?
Build it… Back up [from ground level], or build a new one entirely.
And…why make it [the setup] easier to understand?
To see if they have any
Interest “Oh, I may like this…”
Aptitude for “I understand this”; [the all-important] “I can do this” [then you got ‘em]
[Excerpt from:]
Chapter Thirty-Five: Breaking a Computer Program Design Down to Its Bare Elements
Break It Down
Break Down ‘The Way…’
Break This Down:
1) Break Down:
a) The Explanations
b) The Definitions
· Define
· Call
· Function
· Variable
· Value
· Address
· Pointers
· If, Else
· Loop
· Iterate
· Print [means] (print me the results on the screen)
2) Break it down by this [method]:
a) Slow It Down: Think through the definitions
Call [or phone to] an Argument/ Function [expecting an answer]?
The Value Varies [=Variable]?
b) Define or re-define [them]
3) Set it Up [Break down the set up]
a) Set Up the “Givens” and Assign Values, Variables
b) Set Up the Action/Calculation: Formulas, Conditions [If, and, Else Statements]
What do you want to do/find out/figure out and within what parameters [not infinite]
[Using] Arithmetic, Algebra, Strings [Words, text]
Start here,
with this, add this, do this, how many times? [in] The Format the computer understands- [the] lines [of code]
English Arranged in a Form spaces
What comes before what, the Order
The Terms you use that the computer understands,
causes action(s)
Then, Explain it better.
Explain the terms, actions and set up of a program better.
Wait a minute...
Start with the English, or with the terms, similar to the vocabulary sheets I had to memorize in school [memorize:(].
Argument: a value given to a function
Function: a named sequence of statements that performs a desired operation
Value: a number or string that can be stored in a variable or computed in an expression [has a memory address]
in computer memory [points to a value]23 String: sequence of characters24
Now, let's rate the terms [individually]:
Easiest def. to understand once you hear it: Variable
Easiest one to understand based on the word: Function/Value
Fun to learn: String [characters]
Easy to understand the word but needs a little more to apply [or remember exactly what it means quickly when you're going along trying to do many things at once; what you need to remember quickly, not stop and wonder/pause a couple seconds to define or grasp the full meaning or action- you need to know it and have quick reference to what it means to you/what you're trying to do/typing for a comp. to do]: Argument
I'd redefine Argument for my sake, so I can use it.
That will be a key: defining the actions or terms/labels [labeling a group of numbers & characters].
I thought of a way to make it easier to see, but I have to do it on notebook paper [for now].
It seems, the learning of programming, is in the understanding--- what this is, what this is called, what this can do/does, onto the more complex- how do I write “it” out [format] “to do” that.
We can't skip the basic, foundational understanding; though we can't make it boring/tedious to learn...has to be in between the two [to be profitable].
Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Illustrative Example of Computer Functions. How We Need to Remember Their Actions Immediately, Without Delay in Wondering, for Increased Efficiency
We can print the data on a monitor [print not on a printer, but on a monitor screen]. “Print” makes one think of a printer, not a monitor. Couldn't we better define that? Use “Type”? “Type” out what I’m asking ‘you’ [the computer] to do [the action, the calculation]?
> you have to stop and think a couple seconds and you waste valuable time if you're trying to think of many things at once
> [as in what code you're trying to write- you're double or triple thinking/multi-tasking already- what functions, arguments, variables, if else...statements to use- so, it'd save mind-processing time
> it slightly diverts your attention away, making you think for a sec. about the definition when you need something fast you can know-you-know that-you-know, so to speak]
'ok, I'm printing it [whatever ‘it’ is] out on the screen [not on a printer]'
We have to dissect it [the defined terms that are used]
> to understand it [computer language] better
in order to
> Retrieve the meaning quickly to [be able to] use it quickly.
Pairing keywords up with a term would help greatly.
Ex.- Print/type [pair the term “print” with the term “type”- to ‘print the type(d)’= for the command ‘printype’]
Ex.- Argument/given [pair the term “argument” with the term “given”- to define the ‘given argument’= ‘givenargument’ as a concept, providing a lasting impression]. When you speak of the argument, you should call it the ‘given argument’ because ‘given’ further implies it’s an established amount/value/etc. [it’s already established or given].
“Given” is an easier term to understand quickly. “Give” “Gave” “Given” = easier
Chapter Thirty-Four: Explain it Better [Find a Way to Teach It Better- Teach with More Effectiveness]
The ‘story’ is poorly told [and who wants to listen to a poorly told story-
hence, the rejection of Computer Science by females, their refusal to listen]
Technology: ones and zeros to electrical impulses converted to language that makes the computer do something…Brilliant! But…
It’s the way it’s ‘talked about’:
So…Explain it better.
Ø the definitions [that describe the actions]
Ø the reasons
Ø the functions [describing, or the mini storytelling of/about how it works]
Relate it to what we’ve already been taught.
Make it more like English [the subject taught in school]:
o The paragraphs [the way of grouping that’s pleasing to the eyes, as well as logical]
o Essay sections [Beginning, Body, End]-
· the parts,
· separate parts contained
Structure a new and improved programming language [that encompasses the functionality of Python9 or C,10 more like HTML]11:
<End> where the “<” “>” symbols ‘contain’ or group a pretty little package [together] -more logical to females ?
This part This part
This part This part
=More flowing, attractive, good looking,
easier- in how it’s designed
easier on the eyes
[Excerpt from] Chapter Forty-Six: A Specific Example of How to Reach [a Specific Target Audience]…What I’d Say to ‘Stacey’:
I hold an Image or memory of how her fingers would fly over that keyboard…
And… How could she possess the intelligence to, and the desire to, figure out all her computer system could do?
[The] H.S. educated? How could they [I’ve seen many] come up with system improvement ideas when given an open forum and encouragement to do so? THEY CAN DO IT.
Yes, we are greatly overlooking the inventiveness-capability of those in our midst [hidden in our corporate world- only lacking the encouragement and opportunity].
She was interested in it [in computers] when it was ugly [ unrefined ].
How much more…
How much Better will it be when she…
[is a part of it, a contributor to the progression of Computer Science].
She has an inventive mind,
extreme levels of potential,
not given the chance (yet),
…only not afforded the opportunity as of yet…
What am I selling her?
an idea?
a motivating factor?
a way (out/or in)? a [promising] future
future […what?]- think
way to feel productive/fulfilled/good/capable
u have good ideas- r u maybe an inventor?
(a closet inventor /hidden thus far?)
…How to reach them?
Why don’t we ASK THEM? Find them [those to ask- the hidden ‘naturals’].
--Not a novel idea: get some focus groups,
if you want to find out what is broken, what will work, what they want.
To acquire needed, beneficial, all-important, information: drastically define the Problem
to enable them to use their knowledge through/by asking them:
“what have you learned thus far?” [special things, new ideas/ thoughts you have about…],
“what’s your ‘wish list’ for work?”- “what can be improved?” and taking that further to
“what would you do to fix it?”
“What do you know? Tell me what you know.”
A Specific Example of How to Reach [a Specific Target Audience]…What I’d Say to ‘Stacey’:
Ms. Computer Science natural, I have a great opportunity for you.
How would you like to:
Learn how to use your computer to actually change the system you work on? It really is possible. You have good ideas and have demonstrated an interest in learning all your system is capable of doing, even ways to do things better than how they’re done now. You know the frustration you face when you want to get to a screen more easily, or use a [better way] keyboard shortcut/key to pull some information up quickly. You know how sometimes it takes 5 steps to get to a screen you need, when it should only take 1 or 2 steps. Let that motivate you.
I really believe you can do it, that you were made to do it, because I’ve seen you work. You explore your system to see its capabilities already [expresses interest], you find new ways to do things based on remembering what key does what and transferring that information with new information you come across through trial and error [expresses your talent for this], and you want to do things better as demonstrated in your “why can’t we [do this]” ideas you vocalize [expresses you want to learn (ways to, wish you had a means, i.e. tools to be able to change it)]. If you can get over your fear of failure, or fear of trying something new, you’d have whole new doors of opportunity opened to you, and you’d enjoy it [because you’d be good at it]. You can actually enjoy your work, always pressing forward using your very own ideas [your own thoughts about this and that] and actually putting them into action. Anything you think, you can now do. The Computer Science field is changing to make it easier for you to learn it. The teachers want to give you tools to take back to where you work and use them there. You can get an overview and learn some tools you can really make use of to make your job easier, or make the system run better for you [and your teammates].
Why stay sitting at a dead end job when you, instead, could be tinkering around and come up with a new invention?
[Excerpt from Chapter Forty-Seven: Another Example of How to Reach a Specific Target Audience…What I’d Say to Christine.
[If I were a ‘Christine’…]
Ms. Master’s Degree recipient, I have a great opportunity for you…
How would you like to:
Be able to learn how to use your computer to do the things you always wished it could do, implement your ideas or new ways of thinking? Though you expressed a desire and an interest in programming, you were a bit intimidated or turned off by the major technical set up of programming. What if I told you that the field is now more ‘user friendly’ to students of it. The powers that be are breaking down the process of how we learn, as we speak, to use it to re-format the presentation of Computer Science. Why sell yourself short? Why not learn a new area that could help you do all you ever wanted to do in your current field of expertise? You only need a working knowledge or a foundation, a base of tools from which to spring off from. How much could you do if you could do those things you always asked yourself, i.e. “why can’t I [do this]” or “why can’t this computer [do this]?” You can make it “do this” or “do that” with a little knowledge. In this field, a little knowledge goes a long way. Give Computer Science a second look. Don’t miss out on all you can do, are capable of, of all you can change (for the better) in your field. Try it, or you’ll never know. You are well able, have a proven track record of being able to learn new things and learn them well. We need you to apply that aptitude to the Computer Science field in order to take back what you’ve learned and show the world what we can do, only haven’t tried to thus far. We need your talent applied to the Computer Science field to begin to change the world as we know it. You can think of things no one’s thought of before, and use technology to actually bring about those changes. And, the others that see you doing all you can do with technology will forever be influenced in a positive way. The list goes on and on of the positive effects of learning a few tools here and there. Do you have the time to be all that you can be, using technology to take you to new heights, to develop new ways of doing things [new processes, functions, ways to put ideas into action]?
[Excerpt from]
Chapter Eighteen: Why Computer Science Doesn’t Attract Females into the Field and Why It Needs to. The Importance of Attracting Females into Computer Science
I’m saying the “Emperor has no Clothes.”4 It’s time to acknowledge it. There is a glass ceiling for females here. You can easily look through it and get them to see that the sky’s the limit, until they bump their heads against…; what are we bumping our heads against?
It is incredibly hard to drum up interest and keep females interested in Computer Science to take the time to actually learn [about] it. Therefore, they miss out on all the opportunities to create [their own stuff] and to employ their ideas using technology... The small percentage of females that fought through to acquire the skills in Computer Science that are needed to be successful are to be commended. But they aren’t the norm; why?
I assert that it will never work (as it stands); the field will never attract females in the numbers they should [tap into the hidden talent, and talented, in this country]. It’s likened to trying to make a train, a car. We’re using the wrong [or a] broken vehicle, or vessel to carry (ideas, specifically Computer Science programming languages) to them. We need to tailor, to them, concepts that would be more easily understood by them based on their general makeup, characteristics, tendencies, similar experiences based on societal norms directing them. They are different but equal. They are worth addressing in a more suitable, effective manner.
I’m addressing a new way to teach Computer Science, a new way to define the terminology used, a new way to present it [both theoretically and aesthetically]; we need a new way to sell it to those with the ability, as well as accompanying interest, that need to be directed toward a profession and a calling that’s been waiting for them for so long it’s not funny.
They need a New mold, not to be conformed to the existing mold. Or is the talk about attracting females into the sciences (specifically Computer Science) nice sounding but useless rhetoric only aimed to assuage the consciences of those who are in positions to change the way it’s done?
We need to stop trying to shove a round peg in a square hole and question why it doesn’t like being forced to fit in.
We just are not reaching them in any real numbers. Did you ever ask why?
They are a big enough target market to be worth reaching- and the rewards will be exponential for our society.
Can you see what I see? Are you willing to help, add what you can to this effort?
If we keep on doing the same old thing, we’ll be getting the same old results and that’s unacceptable in this day and age. This is a long time coming and this should be in practice already, given the brilliant minds and resources that are at our fingertips even now. They are uniquely different and can use some help in others recognizing it. They need a voice in the Computer Science field. We treat them as if they should just fit into the mold that’s set by the overwhelming male powers that be in the Computer Science field. We need some molding of it to conform to their needs, wants. They are not exactly the same.
Can’t you see the benefit of admitting a new breed of able, sharp thinking minds to the mix and the arising discussions that would ensue? …men and women, each with their own viewpoints, coming together to see what all humankind is capable of creating, establishing, doing with technology.
We need a yin and yang, feng shui kind of balance. Help it along. Make it better.
[Excerpt from (an important issue to address: reaching females)]
Chapter Forty-Five: Females are Different, Will Miss Out, Are Worth Reaching [and Why]
Even if we look at history to see some of the great accomplishments [ideas expressed, developed on, built on, used to better society] women had…
Do you think that’s it [all there is]? Do you think there weren’t many because women don’t think [that way] as inventors- or can you see the many who passed away with their ideas only in their minds- their ideas with them? What inventions would have been materialized already, if they hadn’t.
They say, “I’m a human being [worthy]. I’m half the population [in great number].” So don’t you dare overlook me, nor underestimate me. I’ll make you better. A very intelligent female brought the applications of scientific method/theory into her realm- the only realm she truly had any qualifying/quantifying access to, due to the time in history and familiarity females had in that particular arena [in their home/Home Economics].44 There’s a new arena now [technology].
Hand them the tools and support them- and they can do it. How many females are inherent [walking around unfulfilled] PhDs [or PhD candidates] without the certificate, constrained by society’s opinions and the lack of specified structures to overcome and lift them out of their [born-into-it because of their gender] limitations?
They are marked for failure as no other group. That untapped intelligence, that immense hidden capability, combined with the oh-so-important proper self-valuation, needs to be drawn upon and beautifully orchestrated to be matured into its complete fruition.
And, like no other force in history, those asleep, will awaken to be a fearsome force to behold. It’s why they’ve stayed asleep. Not worth it, yet…shown by the field’s [attempting but failing] actions and results, viewed as not worth reaching. Exactly that.
Equip them with what they’ve been waiting for.
If you won’t help them to take their rightful place among the prominent males, then don’t stand in their way [don’t hinder them].
If you can’t see intellectual equality as the great benefit it would be to all humans, lifting us all up as we bounce ideas off of each other as a unified, unstoppable team, then remain in the Dark Ages where wisdom [just about] ceased [to avail much power] and time was frozen [ in death of progression and achievement ].
Awake and find out what it is to really live- let us live in and bask unashamedly in the energizing potential [of us all, working] together.
We are different, but equal.
It comes [accompanied] with respect.
What will?
Lift them up, help them to be all they can be and they’ll help you
[end your frustration- you need the missing pieces; what you can’t think of, or put your finger on, possibly, they can- and we will be complete (working together as a team)]-
to reiterate…to bounce ideas off each other [coming from our different viewpoints, and experiences] to figure things out, simply stated, to get things done, to accomplish more, to inspire each other, to reach our individual and collective potential…can you see it?
The educational hierarchy [or those with business connections,] should do it [provide/encourage this skill set]…
With all due respect to the IT Dept. [we will always need those well versed in technology and programming], wouldn’t it be better if we give our employees a skill set [in basic programming] so they could easily and skillfully make the simple changes on the very systems they work on, to foster major efficiency gains [And time saving benefits for all who use that system]?
I can go back in time in my mind and with my simple understanding of basic computer programming skills, develop a plan or blueprint to fix the simple issues I came across every day. For example: A simple ’ if, then’ loop could automate the system to choose, to go on this screen, rather than manually taking five steps… Now, times that: one minute times 10,000 per day equals...[cost savings].
Ultimately, voice recognition computer programming: “Do this” [of course, in more technical terms], by voicing commands. Take an old school example: “start, line 10,” “go to line 20” and “write out [command specific; to perform on that line] ‘this loop’ there.”
Employ more voice recognition software for commands that will instruct the computer to do something.
Also, voice recognition can be used to receive answers after asking people questions. The computer will ask me, I’ll answer it, and the computer will then perform the actions described.
Or, use more voice recognition [questions from the computer, and answers by the person] to describe what the person wants the computer to do; then, take that written document to a programmer to program it.
Voice recognition can be used to ask children questions to encourage them to ‘tell a story’ to the computer [using friendly images that ‘talk’ to them].
… transcribe their stories using voice recognition software that will in essence, ‘write it out.’
Virtual Reality- minus the goggles: to point the virtual reality [enabling] equipment at a spot, like a camera, could make a virtual office (for those that work from home).
To enable females to participate more where they now feel uneasy about participating online-
[For security purposes:] like dots together [similar to the image of old printouts using a collection of dots to make a picture], or an image in a ‘film’ [filmy consistency], or fog; a cloudy Picture-Filter for females: enough to tell it’s them but not too clear to prevent anyone copying and pasting the picture [used for unrestricted purposes]. It would be a likeness, not vivid picture of...[a female].
[The following was added to e-book version:]
Technology System Liaison [a go between] or Technology Advisor: Birth of a new position,
a liaison [likened to a consultant; can be part time- part of one’s duties at work].
If a [system] issue comes up, refer it to them.
They would:
· Be an expert with the system [they’re working on that has the problem/glitch]: knows what it can do and its limitations.
· Know what computers can do- have a basic knowledge of Computer Science, even if they can’t fully program an answer they can speak with the proper vernacular/enough tech. vocabulary [if, else loop…] to explain to more technically skilled persons exactly what needs to happen [be done] here.
Speak pseudocode,45 have programming skills- enough to start the solution; then, be able to work with the Tech. dept. on the solution.
· Be able to talk about it to management and the Tech. dept.- Know enough of BOTH WORLDS.
Again, they Must have:
Experience, a working knowledge of the system they are using at work [not an “I’ll sit with you and see what you do” experience level; rather, years of experience with the system].
Speak Pseudocode [describe in English what one wants to later write in code]: have a working knowledge of programming concepts [and basic skills] to know what a [any] computer can do [be programmed to do].
[must be] Skilled to be able to communicate clearly and precisely system issues/problems and their specific solutions in writing and speaking [be able to talk about it].
They need to have the ability [programming knowledge] to propose a solution in great detail, along with possessing excellent communication skills to deliver their proposition/solution.
“Give me and if, else loop- If ‘this’ condition is met [describe the condition], then do ‘this’- If not, do ‘this’…”
For example [one vision, written circa 2015]:
Get a vision: From online learning to … online working : University-Educ. to University-Employ. (Employment initiator platform)
The same type of technology that Universities use for their online courses could be used for employers/employees everywhere. Universities can set companies up with the technology to employee the ultimate, efficient workforce of the future.
What? Use your resources to bring companies together with the employees of tomorrow
Why? Anything we can do on our computer at work can be programmed for us to do at home Why all the wasted time and cost traveling, renting office space, When we can do so much on a computer????
How? The talent at Universities can partner with the business community to do this by:
1. Selling the idea to companies: Cost savings (vs. renting desk space 365 days/yr.; security through cameras/encoding)
2. Seeing what they need the computer to do: Computers can be programmed to adapt, to use from anywhere
3. Programming It: Using University talent/ resources
Companies need to see this
Universities should - be the ones to - do it
We have an entrepreneurial spirit in this country that can change the world
There’s a vast untapped market out there, in desperate need of opportunities,
===== Just w a i t i n g =====
To be productive To solve To brainstorm To see ideas change processes To connect To collaborate To accomplish.
What is possible . . .
This WEBPAGE was composed by the author of Containing Excerpts from:
Creating More Interest in Computer Science Will Take
Revolutionary Thinking…aRe yoU READY ? ©2019 J.H. 1st edition
et cet·er·a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Is this Possible?
Initializing Variables [or setting the Givens] and the beauty of factoring out the common elements [aesthetically pleasing, less distractions to foster quicker understanding while learning]
I learned:
Before you can update a variable, you have to initialize it, with an assignment.
If you try to update a variable that doesn’t exist, you get an error message.
> x = 0 //naming a container that will change ‘x’ and where you’re starting at ‘0'
//FOR who, or when, or how many times that will be answered here, DO the following
x = x + 1
The second line is where we concentrate on learning how to being more specific.
Okay, so...
What does this look like for now?
It looks repetitive.
X is this
X is X and this
maybe I’ll change it later and X will be this, and this
If we’re only going to count, not name a variable with a word or words, why can’t we establish that X or N or whatever single letter you choose, be set already before we get there [to start coding]?
We can write it into one of those std libraries as SUM will sum up the following numbers without me having to explain how to sum [add] everytime. You can pick N for number or X if you like. Then you can start with N without having to reinvent the wheel or describe what a wheel is; the computer should know as we know what a wheel is: ie we start counting at zero using a specific letter that we will fix, from now on [N will be that from now on].
And why are we establishing we start counting at zero? Duh. Doesn’t everyone start counting at zero naturally? Only if you want to change the starting point to start counting at -1 or something different like that should we have to re-establish it. If it’s normal, leave it. Don’t even mention it. If you want something different, change the normal [state] (of the variable).
If you factor out the common,
N= 0
N= N + 1
You are left with
0 N + 1
0 [zero] [N ] will be set [to zero] so cross it off. 'N' always equals zero, unless I change it by its new assignment ie N = 3, so get rid of that.
What’s left?
N + 1
I’m counting N + 1 every time. Simple, and to the point.
“A Number plus One”. Counting.
Then you can apply all your energies into telling it when to count, how to count- learning that. The conditions of your counting: when to stop, when not to start at all etc.
Looking at it with fresh eyes. I work to obtain a beginner’s frame of reference/viewpoint so I can see what they [experienced] may not see.
This is vital in improving computer language. It has to be quick to pick up in parts, and related to what we already bring to the table [already know] so we can connect it to store/remember it.
Okay, I know what you’re talking about. Layer it on with new information- with just the right amount of complexity [that is the area to work on; change how computer languages look on the screen: words, signs, variables intermingling so we can learn it- I’d say more easily but that’s not quite it; learn it
to learn
learn: so we can pick something new up, relate it to the old info we have, all the while understanding it- grasping and reaching, contact made
To illustrate:
I’ve used the French language. I have knowledge of it from yrs of study but I use it in a slightly different way. It’s not always the correct translations that I use; the French words I choose have synonym-like meanings but I may use a tense with -er on the end. The point is I try to pick a French word that is distinguishable using English. So that the viewer can see the English word within the French word. It’s slightly different- enough for you to notice, “that’s not English.” But you work to understand it and can understand it. It’s different enough to be a piece of new information; though, it’s tied to an old piece of information you already have in your mind [connections: related but just complex enough to keep you on your toes- so you see it, so you S E E it [not glide over it, as we can read a book and not remember what we’ve just read- not paying close attention- this forces you to pay closer attention, and forces you to learn].
Vous comprenez? ‘Could that be comprehend?’ “You” “Comprehend?” Not exactly the best English but the key words translate into what I meant using French.
I have an example of using French words to code [when we name, or decide to call something by a name retournez_numéro “return” “number” I will return a number here, with the following equation, so I’ll call it that. “parlez vous francais”[most have heard that phrase before] “comprenez-vous le français” “comprehend” “you” “French?” Enough of it to know what you’re saying.
A useful way to figure something out is talking to the proverbial duck. But I like to write to myself: have a dialogue back and forth, with a slightly different perspective [likened to each character in a novel that you may write- with different defining characteristics, one leaning to the fun side, another-serious side, etc] to apply that method. Or, you can imagine the duck to be a teacher- what would ___ say here? [To all this, to this writing:] “Yeah, probably.” “I do think that’d work.” ‘Thanks __.’ Rather: ‘Merci beaucoup.’
Printf(“qu'est ce que votre nom:”); //what is your name? ask the user qu'est ce que denotes a question
printf(“J’m appelle %s.”, nom); // my name is use a placeholder% it’ll vary J’m I am nom name
Little more complicated; I got carried away- ixnay the last example [doesn’t pertain to what I was trying to demonstrate in the paragraphs above, nor is it complete- & may not be correct {& I'm not proofreading any of this now}: excuse moi s'il vous plait ] what did i say- can you tell/discern it?
[Pls see code example below]
***retour_réponse vs. answer_return If I Name it return_answer or return_response, that better describes what's going on; thus, it is more appropriately named to foster better understanding with just the tweaking of 2 words. [just an example]
return_response IS or will be = return_square of 4 So, return my response [next line: return_response]
Seems I needed to bring in yet another language to see this,
to be able to change it so I understand it better.
[Giving/adding] Power to [One's] Potential Potential empowered
I'd like to uh introduce to you this here uh thinking-machine, uh - information processor...
Harnessing the power of this thinking-machine [computer] for good. ...I'm thinking: if we can focus the creativity that's out much better that would be. There must be inventors out there stifled by the lack of tools they have with which to create [programming].
Lack of tools: likened to having nowhere to write something down [give me a piece of paper]- there's nowhere to put it [so it gets lost, you forget, idea's gone, no building on that one- for you or anyone else; yes, what you come up with can be for others' benefit too, amazingly enough].
Using one's abilities, talents and skills= inherently fulfilling .
"Reaching our potential." How ominous and looming. Though, I'm beginning to see that reaching one's potential is not determined by a singular event. 'Oh, yup, I did it- there it is.' More so, it's having the foresight to see that it can be beneficial/advantageous to use your abilities, talents, skills to solve a problem [find another word]--> rather, to solve something that exists in its present state [as], would be defined as, puzzling. "This is puzzling to me; let me think about it. Maybe I can..."[tinker around with it in my garage and come up with a user-friendly personal computer,for ex.]. Who would've thought...[that was possible, at the time]. No- it has to be easier now, vs. actually taking a physical circuit board, transistors, wiring...physically putting all the parts together..........that's already here, already exists.
What are we [all of us collectively, cooperatively] doing with what we have: this er uh 'thinking machine'?
If someone only a moment ago invented this thinking-machine and handed it to you right now- -> what would you think?
You + this 'thinking machine' = ?
You only need to learn how to talk to it, how to talk with it [input, output/s].
*It's up to the rest of us [collectively, cooperatively] to figure out how to enable you to effectively communicate with it...and you'll take it from there.
All the while, this thinking-machine displays the anticipatory 'blink | blink ' of its cursor just waiting for the input.
Fear of failure?
Feeling a little vulnerable?
[I'm talking to myself here, too] -------->
<---------[& here]
Rough Draft:
Confidence is paramount-- and secondarily, “Wait a minute”s [when learning]
Build up your confidence [to attempt…]. Note those 'Verbal Pauses' you encounter, analyze them, describe them [specifically]; ie problem solve, solve a problem, solve your problem [with it] so you can proceed.
You have to ‘go in’ with confidence [with a capital ‘C’ running towards it- you have to be ready- prepared=prepare].
You have to be able to stop and say, “Wait a minute.”
Def celsius_conversion(fahrnht):
‘ ‘ ‘(number) -> number etc [will get back to this: /float, number, examples of calculations/ later]
Return (fahrnht – 32) *5/9
***[Note that:] I don’t like calling [is it ‘calling’ here? I have to go back and check the definition] Celsius_conversion.
I define what I want, whatever I’m doing, by naming it something- okay.
I ask for what I want to be returned to me and go on to describe the formula the computer must use to do that [return something to me].
But now- gets a little confusing: instead of asking for fahrnht, I’m asking for celsius_conversion. Important for instant-understanding [stumbled]. I’m not returning fahrnht. It looks like I’m typing ‘return fahrnht’ but I’m asking the computer to return the formula I’m about to give it. I’m returning how you figure celsius out, starting with a fahrnht numerical value, then doing more to that value [subtracting first, note the () for ordering of operations, then multiplying]. Okay. Then, I ask for the celsius_conversion of the following number I’m going to give the computer. ****[Note that:] I don’t ask the computer to Return the celsius_conversion of the number 32. If I could, I’d put a colon after ‘fahrnht’ then (-32)*5/9 [immediately describing what the formula I want to use for fahrnht is], then return ‘fahrnht’ on the next line. Or, even better, Return what I named the whole thing, return celsius_conversion using fahrnht- now how would one do that: “using”…[‘using’ fahrnht]? I’m just thinking out loud here. I’ll go back over this again, later [try to answer my own questions].
Concluding thoughts:
What I need, and maybe what one needs, is Confidence. Plain and simple.
Recently, I felt the need to encourage myself- I looked for inspiration- so I could obtain the confidence to pour into programming material again. It’s intimidating [confidence will fend off that pesky intimidation]. I have to go in there thinking I can do it. I have to be ready to not-feel-smart, to mentally prepare to get hung up on something- to be okay with tripping, stumbling over something, and saying, “Wait a minute!!!…go back… go back...[I need to go over this again, so I understand what’s happening here].” It’s not for the faint of heart [those who are afraid of failing at something, even in/at the least little thing- - - to fail, ahhh, never a welcome prospect].
Most importantly, with an understanding of what’s happening to you [in your mind]:
“This does not seem logical to me because I’m expecting something else [to happen here, right now]= I’m solving this problem in my head another way- so this is interfering with my mental processing”
Then, point out exactly where it breaks up and why you think it doesn’t fit [for better understanding of where you are, in this learning process]. [This part is] Full of “Can I…[do this]?” and “What if…’s”
Driven by the notion...of P.S.L.
Programming/Programming Skills [The Topic at hand] You can look at this a lot of different ways- you can view this from varying viewpoints.
Using your imagination:
In a land far, far away, where everyone spoke Programming as their Second Language [P.S.L., for short]...It begins... Let me take you to that place:
Once upon a time, there was a language that was invented that allowed you to control a computer just by typing on a simple keyboard- Just numbers and letters (some symbols) made a whole new world possible where you could do anything you imagined. Okay, maybe not anything...but this is, after all, storytelling [stretch -i-n–g it].
The above Expresses the fascination
the power of computers
how All can speak its language
and do ____________________
Using logic:
The ability to format, store, use and share information in an organized fashion, quickly, and in many different representations [text, picture, chart...] =
It ‘Expresses the fascination
the power of computers
how All can speak its language
and do ___’
But it brings it to fruition.
----[The] How-------
Using marketing skills:
After identifying your target market [there are many, and many segments of; i.e. those working in the business world on a computer system],
------- The ‘Who’--------who am I talking to?--------
Survey your target market- or do this yourself, if you can [by putting yourself in their shoes]:
----The ‘What’-----define the problem-------
Ask: “what is your first impression, looking at your first program on a screen?”
No doubt it would return unto you, primarily, Adjectives_____________
Go deeper.
“Specifically...” SPECIFICALLY____
Of course you can go line by line, asking their impressions/impression of:
“What does this look like to you?” overall
“What do you think is happening here, on this line? What do you think the computer will do?” more specifically
Digging Deeper:
----------the Why-------------
“It irks me.”
‘Oh, do tell.’
“The tool of basic computer programming...
That the tool isn’t as ____________
as a word processing document or a spreadsheet.” -- Fill in the blank. --
‘easy to use’ - No, ... ‘as equally learn-able’
‘on an intellectual level, as readily accessible, relevantly memorable in order to be usable’
The rationale
For/as an Example:
Mr./Ms. Business Professional says: “My time is valuable. Give me a tool [or tools]/a method I can pick up, one that will work, but without too many complications [too technical in form and flow that I trip over words and symbols]. I understand it won’t be easy [kindergarten simple]; I will have to learn new things here. But, can you make it less complicated for me, or us? Par example: this word processing document I’m typing in now- I learned how to use that without too much grief. Took a little more determination learning how to format the cell blocks of my spreadsheet document. Still, doable. Additionally...not too much difficulty learning how to make slides and put them into presentation-form.”
That Thought/that thinking/ goes on into: “I’d really like to have some computer/programming knowledge on a basic level, so maybe I could... I could: understanding the language [computer programmers speak/use], I could tell so and so I need an overlapping program to pull this up and do that over here on this other screen, all the while knowing [KNOWING] it’s possible to even do that in the first place because of my basic computer programming knowledge of boolean expressions (True or False questioning), If Else, Do While loops = I at least know the ability to use those things exists, and on a simple level, how they would work [I can talk about it in English, bare-bones, pseudocode],
or, heavens, maybe... I could even be able to fix those little glitches I come across at work in the system myself, saving a lot of time and frustration.”
“Isn’t there anyone, or many-ones combined, who can give me this tool I need?” —The Need—
“I can’t seem to make it work for me. I haven’t been able to equip myself with this skill set as of yet. Why is it so difficult? Perplexing to the last! And frustrating. I’m intelligent. I’ve learned almost everything else that I ever needed to, to have success in this industry. I just don’t have the time would be equivalent to me trying to learn a language that uses primarily symbols where I’m used to using letters-- I’ve used letters all my life. It would take immersing myself in a world of, almost, hieroglyphics. In my cost analysis, my returns wouldn’t be worth what it would cost me.
If, in the educational system, we have progressed to align the curriculum with the changing times, where we reward those as “Teacher of the Year” when they can reach the majority of their students [target market] because they’ve not changed, dulling or dumbing-down, the material BUT creatively made it: more relevant, appropriate for the tasks the students have been given to solve [a usable tool], more alive and usable in real-time [= Now; Today],
then why can’t we progress [move/develop towards an improved or advanced condition] in these languages [PSLs]?”
Find a Need; fill it [Marketing 101]. End of story.
An analysis of: What's going on here?? [my very rough draft--y notes] -- Just think of them like a puzzle --& enjoy [if possible]
I ain't got time to make it pretty for you [pardon me]
I'm attempting to understand Python [& how it works- as I have been hithertofore; I'm consequently, enclosing, an "according to me" rendition of].
I'll say again: I'm attempting to understand it
I need to understand it [my way] in order to retain it
[keep it, store it in my memory in some logically connected fashion, so I can then use it]. It goes without saying [though I'll say it anyway]: if I don't understand it, it's useless information. =Null & Void
I'm going for com·pre·hen·sion
To endeavor to do that: I'm describing what I'm seeing, learning, connecting together, etc.; thus, making it useful to me. =useful information
If this info. is of any use to anyone, more power to you. Employing the idealistic thesis: [that] the internet was invented for the free flowing of ideas [all the better if those ideas are good ideas that others can take and build on, making them all the more beneficial to others= use your power for good [as I] :) ]
[pls excuse the typos/&abbreviations: ie mathematical]
ADD [following] TO ABOVE NOTES:
RETURN -- "Computer, remember this. You will [compute it and] give it [result] back to me soon [not yet].
"Now: take these NUMERICAL VALUES..." Add to that: SUBSTITUTE numerical values in the MATHEMATICAL EQUATION NOW.
Establishing Connections
connections of ideas beginning to understand the Form [and/or flow - - > of 'what's going on here']
This is a summary, in a generic form, that I can use in the future.
I may need to adapt it (esp. if I understood the process/form incorrectly :)
But; nonetheless, it was worth doing. [getting something, a model? down on paper, for future reference]
I needed to connect 'this' with 'that over here',
get a picture of where things go, how they're used
and when [or where].
Attempt to 'get' the form.
*I tried not to overthink it- it was more important to just write down my initial thoughts (to ascertain my initial view of all this :) = seeing it through fresh eyes
[forgot the : Def something_named ( ):
ONE WORD Helps solve the c = a + b problem [or ‘new a= a + b’] ' IS '
from ch. 43: [what] we’re used to,[seeing in Math]: [a+b= c] or a+b= new a [instead of] ‘new a= a + b’ [<--how it is now in coding {A.k.a. -->} c = a + b; variable/name = ___]
So : To learn Variables, THINK of it this way :
"C" IS this [right here] "C" IS a + b also known as: "new a IS a + b" [when you change it: 'new a'] [say] IS for =
THE PROPER NOUN/THE VARIABLE/NAME IS [equals] ___________ WHAT? [What Value/s?]
A VARIABLE/NAME IS ASSIGNED A VALUE [or values] We're assigning values to a Variable, by saying: A VARIABLE IS [EQUALS] ________ [fill in the blank]
THE NAME THAT CAN VARY Fun with Variables and Values [couple hrs spent on, thinking out loud- excuse the errors]
VARIABLE NAME [just use "NAME" forget 'Variable']
think: VaryN Varying Name varyingname [for variable-name] USE VALUES PLURAL [,EVEN IF THERE'S ONLY ONE VALUE, TO DIFFERENTIATE: variable singular, values plural: could be/probably containing more than one attribute or value; hence, values]
Ex. You have six apples. Save the value of the number of apples to the variable apples.
apples = 6 Save the value/ the number to the variable apples
Save the value of the number of ___________________ to the variable _______________
>>> MyChoice = 'to enjoy the learning process'
>>> myStatement = 'My favorite way to do it is ' + MyChoice
>>> myStatement
'My favorite way to do it is to enjoy the learning process'
myChoice = 'to enjoy the learning process'
myStatement = 'My favorite way to do it is' + myChoice
myStatement = 'My favorite way to do it is' + myChoice
We’re adding the value of the variable myChoice to the end of the sentence. TO GET:
My favorite way to do it is to enjoy the learning process
THE ========= IS ============= WHAT?
[plus more adj.s/phr.s/comp.s/math]
THE VARIABLE/NAME = VALUE/NUMBER/STRING [often, a VARIABLE/NAME equals a number of things, plural; equals more than one thing]
EXERCISES IN THIS COULD HELP: THE WRITTEN OUT WORDS [then/] "NOW WRITE THIS [the words you see written out],{ write it} IN CODE"
I will give you a sentence [instructions in English] and you write it out in coding language, line by line, to form workable code. Add _'s, commands, and operators, where necessary. Tweak it. And, answer what the final result of your code will be.
The Name 'howmanytimes' is 'three'
The Name 'MyWay' is 'The way I did it was to practice until I did it this many repititions:'
The Name MyConclusion is the Name MyWay plus howmanytimes
MyConclusion is [what?]
____________________ [tell me what will show on the screen as MyConclusion]
>>> howmanytimes = 'three'
>>> MyWay = 'The way I did it was to practice until I did it this many repetitions: '
>>> MyConclusion = MyWay + howmanytimes
>>> MyConclusion
'The way I did it was to practice until I did it this many repetitions: three'
"Do explain your interest in self-es·teem" confidence in one's own abilities "Bring your A game"
'What are your intentions, concerning your relationship with Computer Science?' W h o are you ?
Oh my, background & intentions
"Do explain your interest in self-es·teem" confidence in one's own abilities "Bring your A game"
More importantly, embark with me on a journey...onto a road less travelled, but ever so profitable.
To begin: When you learn [as I’ve learned, through work no less]. When you blend different criteria- balance this against that [in teaching/the educational field, how well a student does this vs. how poorly they do that- holistically: what is their grasp of the material? Also... how do we measure that precisely, and teach it], you get a feel for it, a sense. The subtle nuances. When you have that, you've 'got it’ [mastered the subject]. That's what we need to provide those learning programming. It's the road less travelled for sure, but much more profitable [to the students, and society as well]. It will stick [with them, through thick and thin- once you 'get it'... you have it; you keep it]. = abilities
And…Who do I think I am? [some unedited, stream of consciousness (continuous flow of) writing added, for clarity]
I should have known it from the start… As a student, I enjoyed and aced placement tests. I remember thinking, "[in a way:] bring it; c'mon, this should be fun; please test me- I want to see what I know; that's the best you can do?" And, now, I'm on the other side of those assessments- I see how they're set up [the desired unbiased nature of them also], how they're evaluated. I always wondered who'd be reading my essays [I felt a little self conscious about what they would think...- hasn't changed, (It's still there) in the (right) here and (right) now- though I continue writing and writing]- subsequently; now I know [who does it; how it works]. And, I take pleasure when students ace the tests [I root for them].
My, 'blah blah blah ["do, go on and explain"]' , [background]…I’m told I’m part of the Academia. We'll see.
I’m a writer first (and foremost). My interview included an extemporaneous essay- for which I quickly scribbled down a rough draft and asked, ‘How much time do I have?” I could keep writing and writing. [My interest in a] Keynote coming: I picked a complex subject [but of course]: self-esteem, as a major problem in the Educational System. I still believe this to be true [see ch. 21, my attempt at presenting this vitally important topic to a prominent institution of higher learning- just in case they weren't fully aware of the dire implications of such a pervasive troubling achilles heel plaguing many in this country that could be reached; this could be changed; it should be changed; oh, let me try- stokes my need to solve complex, nearly impossible sounding problems on a large scale. As if... As if I could enlighten and provoke them into action on a large scale, (it would have to be on a large-scale) as previously mentioned- not sure if they're up to it. It takes time to dissect the parts, define the underlying problems, plan to reach definable/measurable goals- all while, the noise of constant reminders to recognize the importance of such a task reverberates in the background, in the utopian scenerio, that is].
I have an extensive background in, poking around within the educational process. Sparked an interest in pedagogy [how we learn; the process of]. I was always interested in how I learn- analyzing that to the nth degree. If I can figure that out, maybe I can help others learn [more productively, more efficiently, more enjoyably].
I achieved so called ‘Master’ status in my field long ago. 2 diff. companies, for umpteen yrs. [with some overlap: worked at both for 3 of those umpteen yrs.] - worked with many State Boards of Education [understanding their criteria/ agreeing upon their rubrics]. All this, and you have to perform as quickly as you possibly can: pick it up, be able to balance, look for 7 different criteria at once to holistically determine, in agreement with others’ views… the numeric value of what you're analyzing.
For consistent quality, one needs to continually prove one's proficiency- simply said: one has to pass assessments at the beginning of said project, and sometimes, on a daily basis to calibrate [fine tune] one's perception of, and subseqent usage of, the established guidelines. Bring your A game or you can't play here.
I have calibrated [passed assessments] for each of the following, for example [yes, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander; I’m tested, as they are]:
[Partial Curriculum Vitae:] OH Graduation Reading Field Test, OH Graduation Test: Reading; OH 9th Grade Writing Test: Narrative; OH 9th Grd Writing Test: Expository; OH 9th Grd Writing Test: Topic One-Descriptive; OH 9th Grd Writing Test: Topic One-Expository; OH 9th Grd Writing Test: Analytics; OH 9th Grd Writing Test: Topic One-Narrative; OH 9th Grd Writing Test: Topic Two-Descriptive; OH 9th Grd Writing Test: Topic One; OH 9th Grd Writing Test: Topic Two; OH 9th Grd Writing Test: Descriptive; [honors]OH 12th Grade Writing Test: Topic One-Persuasive; [honors]OH 12th Grade Writing Test: Topic Two-Narrative; DE.Performance Assessment: Content-Grade 8; DE Performance Assessment: Expository-Grade 8; NJGrade 8 Proficiency Assessment Picture Writing; New_Paterson Operational; NJGrade 8 Proficiency Assessment: Revise & Edit Field Test; NJHigh School Proficiency Assessment: Revise and Edit Field Test; NJGrade 8 Proficiency Assessment Field Test; NJEarly Warning Test; MD School Performance Assessment Program: Grade 8; MDSchool Performance Assessment Program; Riverside ITBS; Merced City Schools District Writing Assignment; Prince William County Public School Research Writing Project; DE Performance Assessment 3rd Grade Narrative; DEPerformance Assessment: Content-Grade 8; DEPerformance Assessment: Expository-Grade 8; LA Educational Assessment Program Writing Test: Analytics; LAEducational Assessment Program Writing Test: Grade 10; Smarter Balance – Math, Reading; ELPA ; SAWS; ITOEIC [10+yrs] (International Communication- oriented towards professionals & companies).
*Assessments were/are scored on varying 3 pt., 4 pt., 5 pt., or 6 pt [12thgrade honors], grading scales [per rubric]. LEAP [LA], 4 different scores for each student's paper [4 rubrics]. Different assessments/and grade levels within SAWS, Smarter Balance, ELPA. 3 different assessments within ITOEIC [constant, daily calibration required for employees to be on the same page & remain consistent in their evaluations].
{ end of newly-added info }
That being said: I came across a field I became interested in: Computer Science, esp. programming.
How does a computer work? 1’s and 0’s they tell me; electrical impulses do this and that [even make pictures, videos at the speed of light it seems]. Found out, I have the ability, each one of us does, to actually dictate what I want my computer to do and it will obey my commands [command line…]. Technology has so much potential to reach, to teach, to enable…the list goes on and on.
But, I hit a wall on my journey. Smacked right into- ‘this is awkward’ on to “Why?” “What do I mean?” on to “I need to define it” [the problem/s, to be able to attempt to fix it--- fix it- now, that’s interesting- who am I to even begin to think I could do anything, and to think I could promote a fix!?]. Wait a minute…
I do have interest in CS, passion- that will keep me delving into the ‘problem/s’ and thinking [the ‘hmmm’ moments that will result]. I have interest and background in the learning process, by way of determining proficiency in a subject. I also have experience in the Business world on computer systems that were so irritatingly inefficient… you just wanted to throw the piece of machinery out the window. There must be a way to master this, this piece of equipment. Who’s bigger, me or it? Who’s stronger? I can take ‘em. I have a mind. It only follows instruction. Leader….Follower. Equals = possibility. It would be best to befriend my misguided but well-intentioned computation producing machine. I need to learn its background to be better able to change it, make it a better person- oh I mean, a better processor [of information]. You may say, ‘what about AI?’ ‘It can think’. Who really wins that contest? It’s not nearly as creative. It cannot take its memory and put the pieces together quite the way a human mind can- we can go off on tangents and come up with something unique [did an apple really hit Newton on the head and then he thought…?] Humans still have to teach the machinery. It has to be given everything it needs to use [information]. Sure, it can calculate at astronomical speeds, and with astronomical amounts of data, but I have the creative edge. It exists to assist me. It exists to do the wide and wonderful things I can dream of telling it to do. I do think this’ll work out [this complex relationship] and it’ll be fun [for me anyway].
Define ‘relationship’:
I analyze computers. I’m not sure I want a deep relationship with one yet [actually programming], but I am intensely interested in them. How they think, what they can do, what more they aren’t doing that they should be able to do, how they can become better [I enjoy improving things] … I watch, notice- pick up on this and that, try to replicate it in words, write a description of them…. I study them- little facets over here, over there; find myself checking them out from across the room. I dance around the subject of becoming more serious [program? Really, you want me to…program- is that where it’s at?]. Superficially attracted to them it seems- what’s on the surface. But, oh, how I’m secretively interested in taking them apart to find out how they make decisions/think/operate in a given situation, in complex situations. I want to know them better- I am intrigued, no other words say it as effectively. Albeit, I want to avoid the complications [how they can be so inefficient as to provoke such frustration; how they aren’t thinking how to do something new/how to be more creative but productive]. I want it to remain fun. I want to enjoy the process of analyzing, learning about, being curious of, thinking about them in a positive way. I don’t want them to ruin ‘it’ for me….the educational process, the pedagogy or how we learn--- why, what makes us want to learn- the sheer joy of learning and thinking about… Intriguing. Let us not get bogged down, so to speak, in the complexities that we become overwhelmed and stagnate. Too many complications [vs. obtainable solutions of problems] will stop you. f r o m . l e a r n i n g . [as these punctuation marks (.) are defined to do].
Alas, I will get to know you more…[Dear computer, your make-up and capabilities] in time. Computers= complex, able to leap small buildings in a single bound, oh no I went too far there; but seriously, the possibilities. This must be how inventors during the Industrial Revolution allowed themselves to think- of the possibilities… Driven, with a positive attitude, in hopes of, while thinking about, while thinking they could, when determining what can be done… thinking about what could do it [computers], and how…[that is the question]. Thinking. [So, Continue thinking/ processing/ weeding out the relevant information] . . . . . . . . ”processing [please wait]” {We do have that in common: we both process [a lot- in data/info. amt. and frequency]. [Where have you been all my life- right in front of my face? Really. Couldn’t be…I didn’t realize…see your…ascertain your significance] [I think] This is the beginning of a beautiful…[relation]…ship} And so it/ the story/ goes
What drives my interest:
Likened to when the first books were written and sparingly distributed- imagine the excitement. Words were put into print [ink]; it evolved the process of the transfer of information from speech into something tangible you can refer to later, becoming more than just travelling storytellers that gave us something to dream about, to remember, to incorporate into our experiences, our lives. Books. Stored information. Logically organized for optimum usability. Now, go in your mind from the first books to all the books [stored usable information] we have present day. Transfer that over to computers. Go from the first computers to all we have present day, and press on to what will be. Herein lies my interest. The progression of this field, of this device [that computes, puts things together, composes pictures and video now—from punchcards/magnetic tape to this (picts), et al].
[random, superfluous, describing where I am, concerning this invention named ‘computer’]
In a world where everything is about doing- what are you going to do in CS? I’m stuck in admiration of, plain and simple. Of computers [I’m passionate about computers, only not in the conventional sense- of, ‘just get a job in the field already’]. I don’t really know what to do with it- I should be doing something. I have a deep interest. Artists come up with a representation of something they like i.e., paintings of nature. Shakespeare composed, used words to describe, presented illustrations [painted pictures with words, told stories]. What would he do if he liked computers? Be at a loss for words [way to describe; unable to come up with some semblance of a career]?
It’s as though I’m searching for something, maybe a new branch in this field of Computer Science- one I can throw myself wholly into, where I’d love what I’m doing. Only it doesn’t exist yet. ‘Do something, lest you do nothing.’ I know; I know. I’m trying. I’m looking over here; I’m looking over there, even in this spot. It’s a: ‘I’ll know when I find it’, frustrating predicament. Watching others pursue their 'thing'. Similar to Edison [inventing, thinking]: ’No, it’s not finished; I need to make it do this first; where’s my something or other to fix this, to add to it. What am I missing.’ Forming it, like clay over and over- pulling it apart, shaping it, bringing form to it again- ‘no that’s not quite right, what I want. Hmmm.’ Having an inkling, but not a plan. The only way through this is to write until some parts connect [where I can connect the dots to now have lines forming something, instead of nothing but random dots filling up the page]. So, I have a passion for computers, and can/will use something about them in an avenue that doesn’t exist yet. Hmm.
Some stream-of-consciousness notes [or ‘What is Passion’]:
Figuring writing my observations about you down in some sort of poetic rendition? Should I compose a sonnet what would it take how can I accurately express delve into figure you out adequately to satisfy my interest/ introspective thoughts about you and your complexities and vast capabilities
I’m as curious as a cat playfully toying with you and thoroughly enjoying it [thinking about you] wrap your mind around ‘that’ “what-all” computers can do [are doing, can {future} do] exciting the prospects, and the seeing it [many “it” s] come to fruition
Others are caught in only what you can do for them, I’m caught up in the wonder of it all [you] you make me wonder; you make me think how attractive you are to me right now I don’t know what to do with you I will keep learning [more] about you maybe I can create something new for you to do [intertwining]
Likened to writing poetry about something intriguing, beautifully complex, and highly capable powerful, though I can’t harness its power in any efficiency [efficient & tremendously useful purpose- oh but I’ll find something for you to do, something new & exciting] it’s your inner workings and for-all-the-world-to-see-outputs that intrigue
It’s in the admiring of [you] I am lost.
The self-taught idiosyncrasies eccentricities ...howbeit [be that as it may; nonetheless], still tinkering
self-taught What does that mean? "fair · fend for yourself · go it alone · independent · independently · self-help · self-reliance · self-sufficient ...learned by oneself without instruction." Who does that? And why? Is this a segment we're not tapping into- engaging them enough to...say, adhere to an organized structure of learning. Who doesn't like organization, after all. It must be something else. Could it be that the idea of being tested presents a chance of failure that would dampen their much needed enthusiasm for the subject-matter? It is infinitely more fun to tinker around with, see if this could do that, see what exactly it does- what I can make it do; wonder if I can change it [adjusted to suit my needs]. It shows interest. "I'm looking at this and, I think it can do this" and an "Wait, I'm working on something...what, not exactly sure, or sure how it'll come together but, wait, let me see...hmm...trying this, what if..."
Examples: I will show you some. When I formed text boxes out of lines [letter 'l' and '_' underline- it's all a matter of defining exactly what you need and seeing what you've got to work with, what's right in front of you this minute (ie on your keyboard; your existing knowledge or base-vocabulary [do you know the likes of: command line, algorithm, pseudocode yet?]).
I've recently found/figured out you can save a picture off the internet [open in a new tab] that's in an awkward WEBP format ['can't use it, where I want to use it/need to use it- and that won't work; I need to...'(is what I'm thinking)] to a document, then right click 'save as picture' to your desktop, then open with another application [paint?] and save it in JPEG form to be able to transfer it more easily [in an email, etc]; thus, making previously unusable information, usable [it's all about information- finding a way to use it, form it, save it for later, transfer it, etc.]
Gosh, golly gee- why can't there be an easier way? PDFs. They don't change- ol' reliable- excellent in the fact that it transfers well [punctuation doesn't get lost or changed when transferring information from one point to another, i.e. uploading, attaching] . Still, I know it's very difficult [if not impossible] to change a PDF [need another application to]- I'm talking about a regular everyday PDF, on its way to market... I digress. On its way somewhere, [to] where I need it to be; but, now looking at my PDF, oh, 'I should change this right here [this blip] but I can't!' The sheer frustration of the issues you come across everyday here and there in the technology arena that should be handled already, in a Simple Way [try to search- how to...(do something that should be easy- changing formats for ex.) and find 20 different ways, answers on what someone else has tried- can we not reach a consenus here]. Pick two to three keys I can simultaneously hit on my keyboard [control v, is my favorite- no reason, took me a while to use cntrl c for copy] or something reliably-virus free I can download [download off the internet- nix that, too risky- 'what's in that there package anyway?']. [fyi- Simple, easily available, across the board adaptability] Format changing software [is a need].
Seems I take great pleasure/joy in analyzing what I'm thinking: about, and when I begin to tear apart, to then solve, a problem [is that scientific methodology? maybe]. And then I try and prove it- support it, argue my points to the n'th degree [in a way persuasively arguing with myself as to the correct way to look at it, and the 'because', not 'because I said so' but listen to my logically thought out analysis, and resulting conclusions to prompt others to their own thought provoking conclusions- ah, and then the world is a better place, ahh [sigh]- not an 'I made you look' but 'I made you think'!] What can we come up with!? If I think, then you think, and we think, (not necessarily a group-think)... now, let me think about that
I analyze technology- there's so much; it's vast, an unconquered frontier [like the West that drew "those-there in times past y'al"- 'go West young man' 'go into technology' and see what you can see- the vast landscapes, the yet untamed land- stake your claim where you wish, and become an owner of something new and exciting- work the land, work the field, tame it, make it yours, still "it" [it is what it is], but with a touch of you to top it off/tweak it/change it for the better]. Use your ingenuity to conquer it- use your mind- take the limits off and think 'what if' [and go from there]. Now, 'maybz we be needin sum formal-like ed'u'cation' to start with, as a jumping-off [of/from] point.......... Self-taught [using the internet for all its worth]. Tinkering around
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm looking into SQL...
I'm enthralled.
I am continually amazed by the Computer Science field and what one can do within it [or with knowledge of it]. Case in point: using Python code [the most user-friendly language] in SQL [data base management].
I must be slow in realizing... After all, I was the always first to complete in-class assignments in composing data tables in school. Shows both the propensity for using, and the interest to continue using, data management languages.
Combine that with my facination for revamping, or making Python better [form, set-up, appearance] so others have an easier time learning it, or even being attracted to it in the first place...
Here we have Python
Here we have SQL
I have to envision this in my mind first, maybe as a narrative in English. "One day,
Python and its easier-to-code attributes was introduced to the massive usuability of SQL " ----
[where can't tables of organized data be used in business?]
[all information is stored in an organized fashion for each and every company that exists] we're talking wide-scale application here] ----
the most user-friendly programming language to date
programming or directing [in control of] manipulating data to use it exactly as-needed per the contextual situation
managing computer instructions [code; translating instructions in English, pseudocode]
managing relational databases
You have the English instructions [what you want the computer to do] translated into computer language [code] here
and that controlling databases [information that is linked, tied together, or can be]
My friends, this is a widely-transferable skill-set that we can certainly sell on a larger scale to the whole working population- to anyone who works on a computer [now, that's a big audience].
First, we'll have to:
tweak the English instructions to computer language [now, Python] making it easier to use to obtain base programming skills.
This will include Making it more Intellectually Attractive: in presentation as well as functionality [what's on the screen- letters/symbols & their order in the lines, how it's displayed (format, order, on the whole), and how it's shown to others (introduced, taught)]
Then....oh, then..............
Sell them on the usefulness of being able to make their very own computer with their very own hands manipulate, store, select, combine and use their very own information, placed in pretty little tables they can save to use later for anything they could possibly want to do with it [ SQL ].
What opportunity lurks within
Oh, this story will be continued... I only just met SQL today, & the pleasure's all mine.
Just imagine what I could do if I could actually code com·pe·tent·ly. Someday...I'd be able to tangibly show you what I'm envisioning. Now, pls excuse me: i must learn more about this SQL
Rue du Bac = Street of ... The structure here is different, in composing a sentence in French compared to English. Flipping parts of speech in language:
Street of Bac Bac Street reminds me of my analysis of c = a + b , as compared to a + b = c [ch. 43] Street = of + Bac vs. Bac = Street
The Street is Bac Bac Street [ notice also how you could change the Street, or value of c here: A = Street, or now, T = Street The components can vary, but the total [or the container you're establishing: to 'contain' individual parts, combined together] is the Street Name or value of the Street [it remains constant] a + b = c [c equalling Street]. [or maybe, 135 + T = Street 135 TStreet vs. Street of 135 T Street of= 135 + T]
It's in the Construction of language. Maybe, the construction of a computer program [the order of the words with the symbols: math, and special characters '&'] is easier to pick up/learn based on the construction of one's first language [the language first learned, used to communicate with]- maybe the construction [of one's first language] parallels the language of or set up of computer programs.
A Successful Succession of flowing information is what I'm after, & asap A case of: real people in real life, only better
I'm currently fixated on obtaining [or creating] a video filter, trying to meet a need of [/for] my own. Due to this current need, I've been playing around, trying to filter videos [the input being/via my camera]. Trying and failing; trying and failing, to come across what I want. Surprising; we can blur a background, smooth out our facial appearance but not be able to________ yet.
Define the __________
How about a smoothing, air-brushed, slightly-blurring filter for- Not the background, but, the foreground?
And I need this yesterday. I want to attend video conferneces feeling comfortable- not stressed out- I hardly want others to even notice my appearance. I want to be comfortable enough to focus on the material at hand- to learn something, to be able to contribute if warranted- appearance- nix, nil, null, void forget about it, truly, honestly- I'd like to forget any concerns about it, and only be a person, with some level of intelligence, absorbing information, maybe asking questions, showing my reactions [in connection with the others participating] = webinars at their best. Should not the internet provide us this, in this day and age? Certainly- absolutely- undoubtably - - and yesterday!!
An Image that's less-defined...
Enough to look decent, to look like a real person [not a cartoon], only Not a Vivid, up close and personal, in your face, image -- that would be rude in real life [a person standing so close, 'up in your face' so to speak]- yet we allow it on the internet in educational meetings because, as consumers, we don't demand better.
If you feel more comfortable in a meeting, you will have more confidence.
If you have more confidence, you will contribute more.
You will pay closer attention to the subject matter, and not the periphery.
You won't be distracted. A case of: real people in real life , only better
An Image that's less-defined...
Not Vivid
Enough to look decent, to look like a real person
The meeting will be a successful succession of flowing information ... and that's what it's all about.
Make the Move to Being more Inclusive with LOW DEF RESOLUTION or a PIXELATED - IMAGE [using DOTS, INSTEAD OF SQUARES ]
Making the less-clear, a little clearer to you:
Need a good dotted-filter [page-full-of-dots-watermark to overlay a pict.] transparent, to superimpose onto a pict. [Ch.49] New: In the academic community, where females want to be seen for their contributions, with the focus to Not be on their appearance, an overlapping picture filter, [and an overlapping video filter]- just enough to tell what you look like somewhat, but not in a well-defined form- would be welcomed. It will allow those who shy away from social media [or webinars, etc.] because they might not feel as free as most males do, in terms of fully showing their appearance because it's less likely to be commented on [in most online venues], more opportunity to be included.
Why picture and video filters? Are they really that important? On a prestigious academic webpage, a close-up picture lent itself to - focusing our attention on a quite unusual way of dressing for such a venue, prompting comments on a female's physical appearance. In the academic community, we value all as equal, and value one's intellectual capability first and foremost- without any bias [or allowing opportunity for promoting bias]. If this protection is lacking, and something slips through the cracks, it only shows the greater need for such a picture [and video] filter for those who want to protect themselves. Individuals need to take this matter into their own hands. That being said, there's a market for this waiting to be tapped into. Cell phone companies develop cameras to take clearer and clearer pictures- do they not see that going the other way could be more productive [less-clear, less-clear...a watermark-smart-filter]?
In Addition: sure, a filter that smooths out your appearance is nice, but can you blur my appearance a little [not to unrecognizable] as you can blur a background?
Forget High Def: how about Lower Def [less definition, lower screen resolution] in some cases?
Let's be in touch with the times, more in tune with the environment, and the resulting need for new, relevant products.
Above text was building on [Refers to/ From] Ch. 49:
"[For security purposes: ] dots together [similar to the image of old printouts using a collection of dots to make a picture], or an image in a ‘film’ [filmy consistency], or fog; a cloudy Picture-Filter for females: enough to tell it’s them but not too clear to prevent anyone copying and pasting the picture [used for unrestricted purposes]. It would be [used to create] a likeness, not a vivid picture of...[a female]."
New: Protects their privacy- Why would anyone want to do that? Well, for example, one result: not as likely that they'd end up on someone's social media page. But, you can still see an image of them (their likeness). Everyone's happy; they're comfortable [the user/client/customer is happy]. Synposis: We still need a good dot-matrix-type filter [this small picture is similar, but it's not using dots--see 2nd bigger pict., in the Etcetera section, below this, near the end] likened to a page-full-of-dots-watermark to overlay a pict. transparent, to superimpose onto a picture. .
1) Write in English and 2) write in 'Programming'
1) How we view our English language...
~~We must remember to use that base of knowledge when attempting to analyze a computer program. After all, isn't a computer program language also? And, this will help us better learn the 'how to" 's in programming- it will solidify the process we use to write it.
How we see it ; how we write it. How we see the English language; how we then write a [in] computer language
These are important overlaps [items in our Eng. data/knowdedge base overlapping with/into writing in programming].
It will foster our ability to remember how to do it [write in 'programming' (likened to say I'm attempting to write in English, write in 'programming')].
We see the parts of speech; we see how they're used in a sentence
2) ... [using that knowledge] . . . transfer over into programming language now
See it transfer over in the following context:
When looking at the single words found in a program... There can be some confusion. Am I commanding [telling] the computer to take some action here, or am I labelling a group of words or set of numbers here? Take 'square' for example: to square [multiply it by itself], or "I'll call this group of characters/numbers 'square' [abbreviation for'something_called_squares' or 'my_set_of_squares' being named here/given a title here]."
command vs. label
Would it help to think of it this way:
What part of a sentence is it?
What part of a sentence is "squares" [found in coding example below/next text box]? Simply said:
Is it a Noun = Title thereby; describing what you're going to call something [ie a set of numbers]
Is it a Verb = Action Word thereby; denoting the taking of some action by the computer [ie 'square' number 2, and give me an answer]
These are Logical program-writing questions we can ask ourselves [ques. we can remember to ask when we're writing in programming].
I've quickly scanned over official "Python Documentation" to see what I can see, to learn something. This is my 15 minute output, after taking in the input ["squares" shown below];off the top of my head, in an impromptu manner [brainstorming:the 'unrestrained offering of ideas']:
"squares" 3-line example from: "An Informal Introduction to Python" ... It's about time we were introduced; albeit, informally. Still...
>>> squares = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
>>> squares
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
I tested this out myself, in a Shell.
My understanding:
something named or called "squares" is set to equal a set of numbers; let's put the numbers inside brackets and separate them by commas
the set of numbers is now "squares" so
now, when I type "squares" the computer prints the set of numbers on the screen
side thought/concl: there will be a lot of "now" situations I imagine-- 'it' [a word] was set to equal something here [#'s] and I changed it later on [can change it], so "now" 'it's' equal to something else [due to changing values or re-defining what a word is equal to-- you go with the latest now down the screen to see what's in 'it' now, not back then; what 'it' is equal to now] = things change as you go down the lines [of code]
Observations: I use a, or TYPE a, WORD to EQUAL a SET [of #'s in this case]
I can now get some Results: Then when I TYPE That WORD, I NOW SEE the SET
Including: A 'Map' Legend or Key:
italics: action I take
bold: the new change- NOW
underline: what the computer gives me
Abbreviated Version [of Pseudocode-instructions]:
Business Applications: Part One
Business & Computer Science: marry [in terms of: 'cause to meet or fit together; combine'] the two[more so]-
It Shouldn’t be a Fairy Tale Never Never land: NEVER mention possible system improvements NEVER change the computer system Start employing your Beta Testing [tries-the-product-out]-Resource
In the Background lurks the following thought-pattern:
Remain “As Is”
I came across the Computer Science tools to solve a computer system problem, yes, Only I came across the tools too late to use them. How do you tell a Company you no longer work for how to solve a computer system problem? You Don’t. You’re on the outside- ‘not one of us- what do you know anyway that’s so important; why would you be telling us [or attempting to, anyway]?’ “I know; I know. I know. Sometimes I just get lost in the [elated] exuberance of solving a [sizeable] problem that I forget about 'your shoes' [to put myself in your shoes].”
Accordingly; now, it becomes Theory…In Theory, I have this situation, [combined with], add that to: I now have the knowledge to solve said problem. Okay. In Theory, can I prevent this from happening again, elsewhere? I can certainly try.
Prevent “this”: employees who know the computer system well, coming across a computer system problem (or glitch) that can be solved…....only…who can solve it?
Where’s my Tech. person who knows how to program this? Oh, I have no communication with that person; no one wants to tell the tech. person. Okay, forget it. The computer system problem will remain [as is].
When I presented someone of significance with computer system problems, I was informed:
1) The computer system is fixed; we can’t change it.
Rebuttal: Later, I saw how that simply wasn’t true. How? All of a sudden, I see my computer automatically populating information at the bottom 2 inches of the screen I’m looking at- is it magic? No, someone programmed that to [grab info. from ‘this’ screen/ place or put it ‘here,’ in front of my face- for a specific reason: what said customer qualified for (based on data base, stored information) – so I could now sell them ____(‘this’ product, stated in the 2 inch section at the bottom of my screen- not Simon says, my screen says).
2) It would cost too much to change the computer system.
Rebuttal: Costs too much? Hmmm. The above example [‘my screen says’] shows that they didn’t feel that way in that case where populating my screen automatically to show what the customer qualified for, in order to sell them a product. I cannot believe it’s cost $80k on average [what I was told]. Even if it did, they did change the screen, so they thought it was worth it. Worth that [the ability/enabling me to sell a product] but not worth it when it would save fractions of a cent per keystroke, multiplied times the number of keystrokes that we used to find that information on a different screens, times the number of employees world-wide per day [plus, time lost (time is money) while searching out the information].
Commentary: There were certain screens certain departments would use. --- You mean to tell me these screens on our computer system were set in stone; there’s no way we can tweak them in the slightest? I, and my colleagues, need ‘this’ information, need to have it at our fingertips [or else why don’t we go back to printing a piece of paper out and looking at that instead- instead of a computer screen, a piece of paper would ‘do us more good’. How wrong].
If my Company contracted with another company and rented a platform, computer system, to use, they should have negotiated a better deal than ‘we can almost never make any changes to the computer system or pay dearly if we really must change it’.
It cannot stay US over HERE THEM over THERE
Those who work on the computer system=know the system & its limitations The tech. people who can program an answer-who come across computer system problems they cannot solve who can fix the problems
Only who don’t have a crystal ball foretelling the future [all-knowing], anticipating every single piece of info. said Dept. would need in the future and; thereby, solving problems before they Exist [b4 they’re prob.s] by perfectly designing a computer system that will never need to be changed in the slightest because it perfectly meets everyone’s needs at the Company and
always will
by perfectly designing a computer system that will never need to be changed in the slightest because it perfectly meets everyone’s needs at the Company and
always will be
Obviously, we need to allow for computer system changes to be made. Even I can change a webpage, but we cannot change a computer system? If it’s a security issue: only certain people can change it, establish more security measures. But pay attention to the key words I just said [typed]: CAN CHANGE IT. Companies aren’t using their Beta Testing Resource- their employees- enough. Employees are testing out the technology already, the computer system, to see what technology it is [what it can do] and seeing what else is needed [through their feedback: they can help make changes].
Knowing, for example, the millions of employees who will come across a computer system problem and give valuable feedback about it…
‘Why can’t we _____ [ do ‘this’]?’ Tech. people need to be able to say, “We can - Done!”
Part Two: We Need an Overlap here - an Overlapping of Us a n d Them betwixt
The Ones Who See Needs-Presenting-Themselves aanndd Those Left in the Dark About How They Could Fulfill Those Needs
There was a History screen [containing history of an account] that went right to left, down and up, pre-populated with information we never even touched the depths of.
It’s the Lack of Connection that’s appalling, between those working on the system everyday that need a specific piece of information (available more readily) to perform their job better and Them. It’s just more efficient- plain and practical- to have the information readily available to use. Efficiency gains are big in the Business world. But, it seems, Employers haven’t begun to ‘search’ for the gains in this way to the extent they could or should. They’re pearls in oysters they’re ignoring, walking around, kicking to the side. Unfruitful.
The programmers [tech. people] who set up the platform, computer system, to be used by companies only really see: ‘this info. will go here, in this spot’ let’s allow for that’: the population of data, the storage side. They may have a high level of understanding of what data will be used by company employees day-to-day. High-level, high-level…That won’t work. That won’t translate into efficient transactions of data that are performed at speeds as fast as you [employees] can type. “Where is that [data-piece,] info., I need to use now? The customer is waiting [my colleague is on the line]…I have to go to ‘this’ screen, /s4 to get to this data pocket to see this information, memorize it [remember it] then go back to my previous screen that has the most-useful information about the account I’m referring to [talking to customer/colleague] about; all the while, remembering what I’ve seen on screen 731 just a moment ago”. Can you ascertain the inefficiency here and how to fix it [solve this problem]? I can; but, that’s only because I’ve worked on that system for years [and know what information I need (to have easy access to) in combination with this other info. over here].
Repeat: because I’ve worked on that system for years
Because I’ve worked on that system for years
Some screens are masterfully set up, looking so pretty, with color-coded information over here, next to that, containing that- power packed it seems, with information. BUT, I don’t use half of that info. = not useful. Only, if someone could pack that much information on one page/screen [amount of info.] with everything [info.] I need and use daily = Amount of Useful Information. I’ve worked on this system for years and know what info. I need; who is the someone who can pack a computer screen with the information I need?
I , over here , that someone , over there. So o o far apart. We don’t even engage in small talk, much less issues of this caliber. I feel we definitely need to be introduced.
The technical side. The programmers [designers of the computer system] do their job well, pack fields, pre-populate them with tons of information [or cause them to populate with info.]. It’s just not relevant information, which makes it Null and Void. It cancels it out. It’s not useful information and it’s taking up space [memory] = it’s wasted.
Now, how can we solve this problem? “I know WHAT I need here, I just don’t know HOW to do it.” We can overlap Business with C.S here using the following model:
I DON’T HAVE this BUT I DO HAVE that. Give them the ‘that’. Enable them so they ‘do have’ [now possess basic skills they can use to help solve the computer system problems].
I DON’T HAVE this [programming skills]
BUT I DO HAVE that [the ability to describe what I need programmed in English= hint].
How will this work?
Consequently; they [ ‘I’ over here, that “someone” over there ] need to learn how to communicate with each other to ascertain needs, to fulfill wants.
And, to communicate with each other, they [we] need to be speaking the same language.
Luckily, one already exists that we can use for this purpose.
Have you ever thought of using pseudocode in this way- both sides using it = communication specific and relevant Spell it out, what you need, and you might actually get it!
Since tech. people [programmers] already know pseudocode, employees need to speak pseudocode.
It’s not difficult, a little ‘basics’ and it’s there - the seed is planted.
This is THE language [so to speak] that will bridge the [looming] gap, that will connect us, dissolve the separation between [those in] Business [those running, or working for, a company that uses a computer system] and Tech. (C.S.) [those who program computer systems to perform specific tasks].
The Rationale:
Manager to Employee: “Don’t give me a piece of paper
“Don’t tell me ‘it’d be better if ________[this information were here; or, this wouldn’t happen if]…
“Show Me , in a Pseudocode Document .”
Here’s how it [Pseudocode Document & this process] would work: Hand your employer this [ Pseudocode Doc ] and see what happens …
------------------[Pseudocode Document] ---------------------------------------------------------
Define Problem
Givens: XYZ info is on ABC page in section 123
Goal/s: I need XYZ info on DEF page
Define Actions Needed:
GO TO Section 123
COPY XYZ from 123
MAKE New Line 456
PASTE XYZ on 456
Define Desired Results
Conclusions need to be:
We created a new information field on pg____
To be populated with information from pg____
From now on
---------------------------------------[end of pseudocode document] ---------------------------------------------------
Submit to Manager for Approval. Submit to Tech. team, DONE.
Just Teach Them Basic Pseudocode and Basic Programming Concepts; we’ll have that Necessary Overlap and the tremendous benefits that will bring. We’ll be light years ahead of where we were. Give them enough knowledge to be able to talk about what they need the system to do and describe it in pseudocode. They'll be thinking 'we can do this ___." They may even look for inefficiencies in the system.
Basic Pseudocode: Basic Programming Concepts:
Write Procedure to capture, sort and move info., out in English Loops, Do When, If/Else [If this condition exists, do this; or else do this stop when…]
Employees need to Develop a General Understanding that a computer has the ability to
capture data from a fixed location,
manipulate it [add to it…]
and move it to another location [for ex.].
Also, it has the ability to Read or Access Info. [to analyze what’s going on here]
then take some action.
Based on the information on screen___, section____.
If ___ [this condition exists], then Do___[this action];
If Not, Do ___[this]
or Don’t; Do Nothing- No Further Action Needed.
If you encounter t h i s situation Then Do t h i s ,
While___ t h i s situation exists. Then Stop
Everyone could benefit from having this basic information -
1) a General Understanding of coding Concepts,
2) and Basic Pseudocode.
Win, win situation. And, it’s a start…
Full Circle; Problem Solved! Finally!
Coming Full Circle- from the exasperating frustration I experienced with that pesky, persistent, in-your-face, wouldn’t go away computer system problem I had to continuously deal with [day to day]- To coming across a Path to the Solution To writing the solution out [sure, in English, but it would’ve done/solved it-] I do believe it would have been enough to effect change and solve that problem, ["done"], if I handed that to Management in said company. I would have been in the loop, the circle of those who actually fixed an irritating [unnecessary] problem hundreds of thousands were faced with everyday! It would’ve been so good- to effect positive change on that scale. The satisfaction. Something I could always remember [that’d make me smile]. And, obtaining the knowledge that if it happened there, it could happen over there too. Oh the possibilities.
So, I finally Pseudocode-d my solution to that thorn-in-my-side computer system problem I left at the company I worked for years ago.
Here it is: There was a computer system inefficiency that was well-known by everyone; no need to explain or have a background section in the Pseudocode Doc. But, to put you in our shoes and bring you up to speed, I’ll go into detail now.
[Belabored; drawn out] Background [I realize, but I wanted you to really be able to put yourself in my shoes here]:
Our Company acquired other companies and; therefore, acquired their accounts. Of course, these new accounts had to be added to the current computer system we worked with/on. They had to be boarded [had to join the other accounts on the system]. The problem was, there were two identical systems [call them 2 sub-systems of a parent system] running side by side; no one using them noticed or could tell any difference between the two systems. That would be fine, unless half of your accounts only worked on one system and you had no way of knowing which of the two was the system they would [only] work on. Newly acquired accounts were boarded on one of the two different system locations without rhyme or reason [so you really couldn’t tell in which location it would show up on in the system]. If you tried to view an account and you were in the wrong [sub-]system, you’d be looking at a blank screen = you choose poorly. You choose the system you would view accounts on before you started work, and throughout the day, over and over- switching back and forth. It was messy, a messy process [not streamlined, or efficient].
In order to switch locations, you had to go to another screen, type a one or two [for the other location] and type another screen abbreviation [plus the long account number] to even view the account.
To reiterate and explain further:
There existed the exact same screens in two different locations on the computer system. Think: ‘this half’ of the system, ‘that half’ of the system = the computer system we used.
It was the same system but you had to switch or change locations if you got a blank screen after typing in the account number. Similar to East coast, West coast- same system, but were you on the West coast system [using that system/the screens in that system] or were you on the East coast system? Remember: the screens looked exactly the same in both systems. Only a blank screen would tell you that you were in the wrong system; go to the other system.
The way to switch from one system to the other was you went to a specific screen and selected a number “1” or a number “2” [if West was number “1”, you’d select “2” to go into the East coast system- you’d choose the opposite system of where you just were- if you forgot where you were, it’d take more steps: duplicating your keystrokes]. More specifically: The only way you knew if you were trying to pull up an account on the screen in the wrong system was if you typed in the account number and no fields of information would populate- you’d be looking at a blank screen [save, except for, the blank field lines where no numbers were showing but should be showing numbers, and the field and screen titles= “XYZ” at the top, so you knew that you were looking at the XYZ screen: the “XYZ” at the top showed that you arrived on the XYZ screen to begin to find your relevant data or start to change something in a field on the XYZ screen].
What/Why change it?
A simple ’ if, then’ loop could automate the system to choose, to go on this screen, rather than manually taking five steps to get there while we all wait [colleagues, customers] for the account to be pulled up to even begin looking at it. Now, times that: one minute times 10,000 per day equals...[cost savings].
A computer programming fix would be: “if account doesn’t pull up on this screen, go to __ screen, select number ‘two’, go to screen __ , and copy account number onto that screen” “If blank screen shows, go to screen ____, select number ‘one’, go to screen___ and copy account number onto that screen” -automatically. An automated process was what we were looking for.
--------------------------------------[Pseudocode Document] ---------------------------------
Define Problem
Givens: If I type in the account number on XYZ screen and do NOT see any fields populated with information- I see a blank screen- this is a user error. Wrong system=blank screen.
I need to go to ABC screen and select the opposite number designating the system I was NOT in, in order to switch locations [sub-systems].
Then, I need to go to XYZ screen and re-type the account number and it will populate the fields with information.
General: We need the computer to start on a screen, copy certain info., go to another screen, select a number, go to a screen and paste info there, if said condition exists [doesn’t work/populate info on screen], go to a screen and select a number, go to a screen and paste info.
Specific: If account doesn’t pull up on ___this screen, copy info [acct #], go to __ screen, select number __‘two’, go to screen __ , and copy account number __onto that screen” “If blank screen shows, go to screen ____, select number__ ‘one’, go to screen___ and copy account number___ onto that screen” automatically.
When I type an account number manually on the line at the top of the screen [line 456], and I’m looking at an un-populated, blank, screen, Use keyboard shortcut [Pf keys, or keyboard combination ‘ctrl’ + J + Y for ex.] to start an automated process.
From starting screen: After I type in acct. number [manually], if screen is blank, using PF or whatever combination of keys [keyboard shortcut], start the automated process:
Go to field, copy acct. number. Go to second screen, select number 2. Go to starting screen, paste acct. number on that screen. If blank, repeat, go to second screen, select 1. Go to starting screen, paste acct. number on that screen.
Define Actions Needed:
If account doesn’t pull up:
Use shortcut of keys to start following automation:
On Screen XYZ, Go to section 456, Copy 123
Go To screen ABC, Select 1
Go to screen XYZ, Go to section 456, Paste 123 [*line 456 already exists at top of every page/screen within the system- the XYZ screens are exactly the same on both systems- you cannot tell the difference; hence, you cannot tell what system you are working in by looking at a screen, you can only tell when info. populates correctly]
If screen populates info., Stop,
Or Else, Go to screen ABC, select 2
Go to screen XYZ, Go to section 456, Paste 123
Define Desired Results
Conclusions need to be:
We created a new automated process that copies info from pg XYZ, selects choice on pg ABC, pastes info on pg XYZ, reads populated information on pg XYZ, and will repeat process exactly, only with new selection on pg ABC if determines necessary.
------------------------------------- [end of pseudocode document] ----------------------------
= PROBLEM SOLVED. I’m sure this would have worked and I would have effected change [given the chance].
P.S. If the Tech. people boarding/adding the new accounts had known the day to day operations, maybe they wouldn't have boarded them in such a random manner- where you couldn't tell on which side of the system they were located or they could've marked them with an "*" [for ex.] so we could tell which location the accounts belonged to. I assume the boarding considerations were to balance the amount on one side with the amount on the other side- memory issue?
fyi- workin on something...yes,i have more [it comes in waves- one idea leads to another]- maybe tomorrow [it'll be here, right here in this spot]...
Business & Computer Science: marry [in terms of: 'cause to meet or fit together; combine'] the two [more so]--- missing the beta test-ers...
NEW: Teaser [done typing 4pgs. but have to read over&edit still- but here's a sample]:
Business Applications
It Shouldn’t be a Fairy Tale Never Never land: NEVER [do this] NEVER [do that]
Remain “As Is” Start employing your Beta Testing Resource
In Theory, can I prevent this from happening again, elsewhere? I can certainly try.
I DON’T HAVE this BUT I DO HAVE that model.
Overlap connect then the seed is planted
...Only who don’t have a crystal ball foretelling the future [all-knowing], anticipating every single piece of___…. would need in the future and; thereby, solving problems before they Exist [b4 they’re prob.s] by….
Here’s how it […this process] would work:
Was I thinking like a Computer Scientist before...? In Business, when I ... hmmm
Even so; when I came across, ran into, C.S. and...[somebody explained it in such a way: = " Ah ha, that's the one (THE AREA, to...where I could...)"]- it was what I was missing [ when I came across problems in the business world, knew the problems intimately but had no clue what to do about them, to solve them, though I wanted to so much ]. = f r u s t r a t i o n
I had an overwiew, but... Compare that to: being re-introduced in such a way, [with precision] and Drawn in: my 'that's it; no, that's it' moment. I began, started on a path to the solution [or solutions]; I finally had a path, somewhere to go. They made me believe...I didn't have the tools yet, but I finally knew where to look. There were possibilities, where there weren't any. Possible fixes, possible solutions [to know/learn/implement]. It opened up- it opened my mind up.
keep in mind im writin fast [expect typos in writin'- tho i tried2correct below the pgs]
"I expressed interest in tutorial' "aghast' idk what word/s is/are above 'interest in C.S' =? '... get the job done attitude. What?' / 'literally' 'i thought i had pieces of a puzzle' organizational chart / 'presented itself to us' / spoiler refers to the 'time saving computer system fix wanna-be' that 'came across my path' sp=spelling? 'pseudocode'
When "Hail Mary's" work in a football game: boy, isn't it exciting! IF Only we could do that with ideas..............
[y'all really wanna know what i did in terms of marketing my ideas? 'yes, i really wanna know.' haha well...hardly anything at all...]
Confessions, confessions: I sent them to a total of 2 people [one, my 1st ed. print book, anonymously- apologize for the large page size but had a lot of trouble/error messages getting the margins to be acceptable in uploading it]; obviously, not big on marketing. Pity, since I have degree in Marketing [I go the opposite way- more of a consumer advocate than a marketer: for the benefit of the masses mantra].
I was moved by reading [after surfing the internet randomly], one day, about the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation- can it be true, that there exists such people, such an organization, with such high and lofty goals [for improving education, soliciting out of the box ideas, willing to tryandfail {'FAIL' did you say? = willing, willing to t r y }, etc]? No, can't be true, too good to be real or true. Just in case ... since they captured my attention [made me start to believe in the impossible] and lifted my expectations [provoked the dreamer in me], mmaayybbee they'd be interested in...mmaayybbee they could use some pieces of this compilation of seemingly extraneous information and make it useful [to someone], make it work [where I cannot]. Hey, I don't want to live my life frustrated ,in the fact that I was full of ideas with no where to go- so I put up a 'Hail Mary' pass and let it gooo [way out there]. Mayyybbe I could nudge them [move them ever so slightly]...[& return the favor].
Well, I still like to write, as you can see in the here and now, but...I let go of thinking I could ever do anything with what I wrote. Only recently, I saw someone, by chance, on the internet where I thought, 'hey, he may be interested" [interested, key word, no huge expectations here, just 'interested' is what I was thinking, so I told him in effect, 'here's my take' do with it what you will or will not, whatever- sometimes it pays not to think and just take a chance, sometimes]. And, mmaayybbee.........
I live with the Hope that Maybe by s o m e c h a n c e someone will catch that 'Hail Mary' I awkwardly, but with all my strength, threw up in the air and we can all win- together; it's all about 'us' after all [making things better wherever, however for all of us on the planet].
I'll re·it·er·ate : When "Hail Mary's" work in a football game: boy, isn't it exciting! IF Only we could do that with ideas..............
[PS pls excuse me in following areas: I did not know how to update the book without changing the release date- updated it once, then completed the e-book: that was fun- so many tweaks because the spacing or something else didn't transfer correctly- so I write here instead, which is more fun- straight off the presses info.
Also, I hope I'm not too hard on teachers of CS: never meant to be- I appreciate them very much, even attempting to teach anything is extremely worthwhile; it will remain an exemplary profession indeed, in my eyes]. I in fact, learned something in CS today that irked me that I didn't know it [understand the 'how to' do it] in the past- thank goodness for teachers. You can do something and not fully understand the 'how to'. Understanding is much better, way more satisfying than merely accomplishing a task.
I must miss those extemporaneous essays from school. Teachers challenged me; I respect them greatly [much more than I can say- at a loss for words? really??]
Teacher: "Sit down class. I want you to tell me a story..." [The 'begin drawing/draw on your experiences thus far, to put into some logically organized format...yes...Note to self: try and include some twists and turns to keep the readers on their toes- I enjoy them anyway].
Teacher: "Now, Begin."
side-note***["was continuously failing in her attempt to pass"= 'kept failing' seen below- my 'voice' reverted to less complicated vocab. that better fits the situation: I'm in 'H.S./college Freshman vocab.' a bit; 'how to say it?'' mainstream? less sophisticated]
"Teaching" brief synopsis: I don't need a lifetime commitment here; I just need your attention for a few minutes, maybe one minute.
I need a QUICK-GRABBER....let me tell you a secret...
Eureka, it worked!
[correction: "pivotal moment"]
Mission Statement [of sorts]:
Let's not forget- I'm only an Example [so based on my example...] What I really want to do is kneel down before you [in respect], boldly look you straight in the eyes, Meeting you with All My Strength [and Strengths], and ask you, "Now, what can you do?" We'd like to see. Hopefully, you sense how that can be Powerful [to you, as well as me, equally]. The "what" need not be earth-shattering, but begin...start...and let's see [positive-smirky type smile containing within it a playfully gently-but nonetheless demanding anticipation here - hopefully drawing it out of you].
P.S. Know that I have tremendous appreciation for those who already are...[or have done].
Go deeper
I need to answer the question of why I basically quit trying to learn programming when the field/area intrigues me. What's broken in the process, or what broke? I mentioned/brought the term to the table: "INTELLECTUALLY UNATTRACTIVE" but what do I mean/what does it mean?
Yes, I just wrote verbatim what came to mind but the following contains my quickly jotted down rough notes on the matter:
what is intlly unattrctv
as it relates to us adding info blocks into the database in our minds
[to the database that we had to establish to learn how to talk and first learn to write- plus what we've witnesses/experncd in the world until the ablility to cmmnicate was acquired]
Now, back to verbatim writing: we establish a very basic foundation when we're at the age we learn to speak and to write [we had to start somewhere]. We establish new blocks of information in our minds, or we put information into new blocks, to store, to use [now and later]. Okay; that being said: after that, we add to the blocks. That's probably where most of our information that we use now [today] comes from- info. we ADDED to the primitive blocks we first started out with. It's easier that way- to relate something new to something you already now. Gives it meaning, precipitates understanding. Here comes the fun part. What makes the new information 'stick' or 'not stick'. What attracts us enough about said block of new information that we don't immediately reject it and; consequently, add it to our set of blocks we're already playing with [info. already in use]? What can make new info. more attractive if it isn't to begin with? What is the process we go through to 'FIT IT IN' [the new information to our established info.]? The English language is a wonderful example to use. After the sometimes painful un-encryption of the rules of grammar are laid in cement as a pliable [correct and usable] foundation, what do we spend our lives doing, so to speak? We build, and Build, and BUILD: on our vocabulary, on our techniques of communicating [even how to, ie texts, emails- the perfectly appropriate syntax for the genre- abbreviations in text messages for example; impressive maybe technical vocab. for in-Company emails/email blasts-and others can now 'appreciate how much I evolved, using words in such a manner as this' - little fun inserted here, poking fun at myself too- most business emails are done in haste without much deep thought]. Though I'm always impressed when one displays a command of language [in whatever form it presents itself; it's refreshing- I thank goodness we evolve in our vocabulary and techniques= enjoyable to 'hear' other in speech and word]. I digress. We B U I L D.
We ADD information to our already established blocks of information in our stored memory.
We B U I L D and we A D D. We build through adding. Let us now dissect/analyze the process [so we can later use it to tweak the new info blocks we want to add but somehow are hindered from adding to our database]. Maybe we should start with the following notes. Key points: how much of a Disruption is the new information to our set of info.? Respond to Rhythms, Patterns, a certain Flow maybe. Ease of Rewriting our Process Maps, Scanning over information [info selecting], I propose that "There has to be at least ONE Element in our mind that the new info. can be friendly with [can relate itself to] - in order to for us to want to continue LISTENING TO THE NEW INFORMATION." [If it doesn't find a friend, maybe we bail out on learning the new thing- discontinue it; shut it down; "I'm done"].
in order to for us to want to continue LISTENING TO THE NEW INFORMATION
to Want to continue LISTENING TO THE NEW INFORMATION [connecting it to other info.- the amazing process of learning, at its best]
Repetitive on purpose to continue listening [wouldn't that be nice- to encourage that seemingly inborn curiosity that keeps our attention on something until we learn it]
To somehow design it to connect to the other ideas in our mind that establishes such a flow that it sparks in us a natural tendency to want to/almost have to learn it because it's just so interesting- I can't help being interested [ IT FITS - it fits with what I already know, connects with something in my memory, captures my imagination (hmm where could I go with this new info) capabilities] It's the tweaking of new info. to smoothly, under the radar be so attractive to our minds that we need it- to use it- to build up on top of our already established information---- a "we're working on something here" mentality. I hope I did this justice- stream of consciousness type writing here [writing/typing fast, without editing]. Let me pause and think about this more [grinning]. I have to think about what I said [let it sink in] too [a 'what did I say? really? where did that come from- interesting in the least] [insert my smile here; this is fun]
conclusion: Get THE FIT right [make (the info. so) it (will) Fit, & well]- do it right and... wow.
Figuring through [skipping thru, picking up stones or bits & pieces of valuable info in my hand] my thought process [to combine, into a new useful formation/model/future plan: a way to do this 'better' in the future: coming up with/
Establishing a future process map for my mind to use]
It's in the way that you think about solving a problem in programming:
After trying one of the early assignments in a class- [after seeing the solution] I saw how-I-went-about-thinking-about-how-to-solve-the-problem was incorrect. I've since realized that I think a bit differently; it tripped me up and those circumstances; consequently, made me give up. [*Though, truthfully, I did have a tad more experience than previously stated: Since this was after I obtained a Certificate in Python [70 final score; I passed, don't know how- had to really work for it; add some pure luck]- although; I couldn't remember how to use that I went back for more- then I gave up]. Maybe explaining what I went through could help others to not throw in the towel that quickly.
So... it's the HOW I WENT ABOUT THINKING ABOUT HOW TO SOLVE THE GIVEN PROBLEM [verbose but needily descriptive] that we need to analyze. Let's dive in:
Problem 1: print 7 steps with the # sign: Okay, I need to add or increment [i++]. Later, found out: no, you need to establish a finishing point and subtract down to zero.
Establish a finishing point- establish boundaries [I somehow would think that would be cheating the system if I asked it for directly, specifically what I wanted/needed]. Sounds strange, but I didn't think I had the right- didn't think it was possible- I wasn't thinking that way; it didn't cross my mind.
Bottom line: I wasn't thinking of it in the right way. I would add and keep adding, not establishing a cut off point [end the program when it reaches a certain limit]- I wasn't thinking I could limit the program or establish needed boundaries. That was the key there- knowing I could limit it.
Also, in problem 2: instead of 'looping over conditions and If I don't get the correct answer [input from user], keep asking approach' [seemed to be going in the opposite direction: if I need a neg. #, why would I type something about positive #s i.e. greater than or equal to zero?].
I thought of it as 'when it's a correct answer [within my prescribed range; what I want] give me that answer now [print it out]'.
I was typing out/defining what I wanted [less than zero is what I want],
not what I didn't want [when # is greater than 0] . This somewhat seems to ignore that the user could give me the wrong answer [and many times]- what would happen then? The program would have to reject the answer. Getting a bit complicated. Pause---think about it a min. [what exactly am I thinking? let's see :]
Oh yes, "or else"_____ [do this] else-if, keep asking so if you don't give me the correct answer [ less than zero, and I can have the program print your answer, then (the 'or else), keep asking (for you to give me an answer)]
This or else that [ am I thinking more in terms of a 'do while' loop, or, a loop with more conditions than just 'give me an answer- if it's incorrect, keep asking' where it's really 2 conditions in one-- it sort of defaults to asking again if the correct answer isn't given, and stops and prints when it is given= a more succinct version ] Just thinking out loud- thinking it through to understand the logic [to 'get it' in my mind so I can recall & use it later= committed to memory. Seems this 'thinking about it more process' is important to make it usable information in/for future endeavors. hmmm, interesting [seems I'm duck-debugging/or figuring my thought process out concerning this in my mind, then writing it here for you- for I woke up with the 'ah ha' 'or else' well it took a minute after waking up and there it was- why didn't I think of that before/yesterday? Shows relaxing or stepping back and letting it go for a while can help you see it more clearly] figuring through [skipping thru, picking up stones or bits & pieces of valuable info in my hand] my thought process
Rough Draft [below]:
I was going in the opposite direction, so to speak.
if I need a neg. #, why would I type something about positive #s
if I need ______ [this], why would I type something about _________ [that]
Maybe [it'd help] thinking: when there's incrementing or adding, how could we solve this by subtracting Or
when there's: 'when I don't get the correct answer, keep asking', how could we solve this by "when I do get a correct answer [immediately, in the range I want], print [give me] that answer now [end of program; but solve rejected-answer-glitch/problem/situation]."
when I don't get vs when I do get
Important to clarify, since misunderstandings could lie in the following areas:
boundaries: Establish a finishing point
opposite direction: adding - subtracting when I don't get vs when I do get
Correction: 'needs to be given' [as u can c it's hard to overlook mistakes, even when brainstorming ]
FREE FLOWING IDEAS NEED TO BE LED [1st attempt] and the Tech. Industry needs to do the leading
PRE-RELEASE: [this is in ROUGH DRAFT FORM- important to show how creativity first shows its face, in raw form-- i'll smooth it out later] This is risky, mind you, all the misspelled words, incorrect grammar, missed punctuation/capitalization, out there for the world to see-- you mean i'm not purfekt? showing what's under the hood is more important here, but it's not easy- we so like to portray a well-thought out perfect image of ourselves. That can hamper our creativity- we shut down, until... Until we can say it, communicate it rather, in refined form and that can be too late- our ideas are gone]. We need to LET ourselves write no holds barred at first to get our ideas down in some tangible form [in writing; it's paramount- you'll never remember them the same way as when inspiration comes knocking]. Change your thinking if need be- it's worth the risk of looking foolish or improper.
i was writing so fast, i might have misspelled some words, oh no- taking a risk at showing myself in imperfect form- i felt it 's important to show the brainstorming rough-draft process: exposing my raw creative thoughts might help other see how to do this, how not to get stuck, how it's okay to not have everything figured out perfectly when you have something worthwhile to say
Correction: "from who knows where"
Correction: "hierarchy of needs"
Correction: "Analyze"
Here's a Model, based on past experiences/ analysis of [current need and possible way to fulfull it]... i.e. when I thought that we should be able to online grocery shop [for perishable food] before it was readily available. After all, we had each item barcoded- so it was stored information, and I have a computer at home- shouldn't I be able to see the products [that are barcoded] in their computer on my computer and then communicate with the store which ones I want [need delivered]?
It begins with STOP AND THINK MOMENTS: when we come across technology and ponder 'how does this work' or 'gee, a machine can [do this]... hmmm' and put it into our memory.
Then we come across a PROBLEM to be solved through life experience.
Do we make the jump: how can technology solve this problem/fix this?
Fax machines are a great example- problem: not being able to fly a paper airplane to another state immediately giving another person important information. We can't do that. BUT...WE CAN_______.
But, we can scan/copy information to put on one computer, and send electronically [through the internet] that information to another computer somewhere else. Brilliant!!! Problem solved with a little round-about thinking [going around what is known or conventional].
We need a way to connect intellectually. We connect socially but we can do more connecting intellectually [be more productive, and receive the lift that brings individually as well as benefit others]. How does one get the group [groups to perform said tasks] together? How do we find them, entice them, collect/connect them, motivate them, even reward them [though solving a societal business-type or industry-wide problem is reward enough]?
People want to express and use their intelligence- ask yourself: how can we facilitate [&encourage] this? It's a need we have that's higher, for higher purposes [for most beneficial ends]. Where are they hiding [the ones that need this connection, as we need them]- in plain sight? Can we lend a helping hand? It can be self-satisfying as well [as other-satisfying, if there exists such a term].
Correction: "the group that came together"
When others wrote of their discouragement, concerning the lack of CS opportunities for those who have finished school...I couldn't keep quiet; here are my words of encouragement- this is from the Appendix [my contribution to a C.S. AMA (Reddit) ],
Hopefully, to inspire:
With the tech. revolution, the playing field is now equal.
Everyone who has a will, can find a way to succeed.
examples are good, but sometimes we have to be our own example-
see what qualities we’re searching for others to have
and become that ourselves.
If it’s in you, failure is not an option.
…there are many like you…never give up.
Until I learn to program and create my own opportunities…
I’m benefiting from this great age we live in
... work from home…
…my dream job…
far from where I started
(floundering around in seemingly dead end jobs).
[So] Be passionate; be deliberate.
Do your very best in every situation (job), perfect your skills…keep…trying, Even, sometimes, failing, And you’ll obtain what you desire.
I do believe that opportunities will abound- it’s right around the corner...
We can even make… opp.s for others someday [using technology]. How great would that be!
Hey, WHAT IF We Could..............? Let's work that to the Maximum -extract the Maximum Benefit out of our imagining a better case / a better way [ to handle / to do something /
a dream of something...better (=insert here) ], and do it Now - why wait]
I mention an 'Internet Open Board' [chapter 20]- a forum to post good ideas online [centralized location?]
[for free----no ties/compensation to the owners of ideas]
Many have good ideas but no way to implement them. Why are we wasting valuable time here? -- why do I have to wait until I can do it myself [until I learn how to program it and then market it? Surely, someone knows how to go about doing it now]? This can be vitally important, especially in certain cases. [It irks me that Ch.50, (written in 2015), which described the need to make better work from home opportunities, to make it easier, more do-able (refine the technology allowing it), and sell the idea to companies to work on asap- would've better prepared companies for the last 2 yrs.---I saw the need & we had the tech., so why did it take so long to get that up and running efficiently? Little to no preparation- what a shame, played catch-up here- let's learn from this]. Let's learn from the past and do better in the future.
What can technology spare us from in the future, by good preparation? Someone knows, maybe a lot know; ask them for their opinion/ ideas, and let's work together. It's the technology age- let's use technology the...most we can- 'how to say?' get the most from it and from us using it- we're more intelligent and creative than we think we are [given the chance, to bounce ideas off of one another triggers more ideas/better ideas- and so it goes; that's how it goes = invention/s, even world changing tech. we can be a part of; albeit, a small part, but still an integral [*'NECESSARY to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental'= you're necessary in all this] part of-- how good is that?]. Some things are important for our survival- i.e. if we can't make it to the store to buy food [pls. note: a better set up would've saved us a whole lot of trouble (vs. trial & error, reaching for the most efficient/workable way to do it) in the past 2 yrs. especially [unnecessarily so; irks me a bit, the missed opp. :] - we had to play catch-up, tech. had to catch up with the need /how to solve new (& big) problems [say it ain't so]-
let's not let that happen again-
let's use our collective intelligence, working together to provide solutions for when the need shows up (already ready/already prepared/nailing it so to speak- wouldn't that feel good? using our intelligence on the highest level- doing big things together, helping many-making our lives better, easier, 'take a deep breath "I got this"- don't worry'
Taking care of each other using the technology available to us]. With all the information stored in computers [UPC codes, in data bases] and a way to communicate with others [websites, email], this should be a no brainer. We should only need to iron out the details- the exact 'how to' [i.e. see, select what you want, tell the company what you want= a pending sale for them, supplying your needs for you].
Follow the thought process. For example: [yrs. ago] before online grocery shopping came into being, I thought of how everything in stores has an identifiying code [UPC code] that's stored in a computer system [the data is already sitting there]. Why not use that identifying information with a different purpose? If it's there, in a computer, and almost everyone has a home computer- why can't we access the products from home- tell the owner of the data base information [UPC coded, stored products] what we want, make selections from the data base and transmit that information to the owner of the data base? Also, why can't we print out the results at the store so someone at the store can shop for us for a fee, and deliver the products to us? We can clean up the process later- ie nice pictures of the products online to choose from, capablility of notes [text] somewhere to specify details [how do you want that product sliced, thick, thin?] when necessary. Why is this important? In case we can't get to the store to buy food: not feeling well, bad weather [leave it to professional drivers], want to shop for an elderly family member who lives in another state [who has trouble understanding how to use the internet]... Why ask a neighbor to buy the many items you need [a few items, maybe, but 20?] [why do that] when you have a computer! That's what they're for! Use them where you can! C'mon- what other ideas to you have? Follow my lead--- think ---
how can we better put to good use all the information stored in computers' memory or data bases?
What do we need? Put those two together, and we can do it --- somehow
someone knows how, or a group working individually but together in the end [doing their part there, you doing your,maybe little, part over here] can do it. [*def of Integral from Oxford Languages]
It's Important to get the Big Picture when you're trying to accomplish a monumental task. Try and define how you would do that, how you would go about doing that. It also helps you to better organize your random thoughts- put them together in a more coherent way, with a flow from one idea to the next [makes it easier to follow and read- less stumbling over ill-chosen words, in the wrong place].
The B I G Picture see it
What I did to see it all at once, but separate enough [also viewing it in individual pieces] to tweak [play around with: "can i put this here?" "what would that do, if I did?"]
I used a whole room to see the big picture, the entire book. I had to be able to see where 'that page' that said 'that' was and move it by the other page that said 'that' before losing my train of thought. I had to find where I wrote about 'that' quickly.
thereby; Protecting the Process <---
Conclusion being:
Try not to get distracted or be unduly influenced by others
And, because I couldn't explain what I was working on well enough while 'in the process of', I hid it behind pictures and maps when others came over.
<--Example: For Ch.49: "[For security purposes:] like dots together [similar to the image of old printouts using a collection of dots to make a picture], or an image in a ‘film’ [filmy consistency], or fog; a cloudy Picture-Filter for females: enough to tell it’s them but not too clear to prevent anyone copying and pasting the picture [used for unrestricted purposes]. It would be a likeness, not vivid picture of...[a female]."
New: Protects their privacy- Why would anyone want to do that? Well, for example, one result: not as likely that they'd end up on someone's social media page. But, you can still see an image of them (their likeness). Everyone's happy; they're comfortable [the user/client/customer is happy].
Speaking of the Big Picture concept--- do they have this somewhere online [I don't search and adapt to what's online, I have ideas all on my very own, and just wonder if...someone already is thinking along the same lines]-
I need a projector type screen [pull down, cover half the wall type] to put an online meeting on- something [software and camera/projector usb-ed to my computer?] that takes the participants , collects them, resizes them uniformly [blows them up to almost life size], and places [projects] them into a setting [uniform grouping] on my wall so I can then see them all at once as in real life [tech should mirror real life, look like real life, don't you think?] This would help greatly to form a more natural looking class setting [instead of the 'Hollywood Squares' which also can move around, further ~ distracting ~ the meeting provider/teacher]. After saying that [squares], rounded edges would be easier on the eyes.
It should be like you are there [in an exercise, or other class]. I've seen the possibility of putting meeting participants in an office setting but how about bigger [than a computer, or tv screen attached by hdmi cable to my comp]? Almost Movie screen size...hmmm -picture that- now, how can we/you...[do
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [think: what draws your eyes?]
Start with:
I'm looking out into an [a seated?] audience.
I'm looking across a crowded floor in a room [i.e. exercise class].
Create Depth Perception :
Think- How does one paint depth perception on a flat surface [canvas]? [Save your answer] How do you look out into a crowd in a movie? [Get the best angle, save it; later: populate the individual spaces with people]
Harder to do with an execise class. [Establish you/they can move within this 'container' you're/they're assigned to at the beginning]
[Use depth, slope: Auditorium seating slope angle (floor gradually inclined) so you can see everyone in that 'audience']
[for this book]
Brainstorming at its best [maybe] :
I changed the names since...
They are real people though.
Whenever Inspiration comes, write it down!
The CS field has let me down in a way. I was looking for a flow, a learning process [of course, including: goes without saying, the material itself being set up to be able to flow, when taught], that I’ve experienced in other disciplines- a smooth flow, that makes me desire more [knowledge]. For that to happen, it has to be set up with such precision that an almost natural ability to learn it exists [that, in the art of programming, lies a given way it must exist; wherein, most could grasp it, almost naturally, when introduced to programming].
Learning a programming language is awkward- not in the sense that it's horrible, but it falls short of achieving this optimization. I know how it can be, and why it should be [just not how to...].
I wanted to pick programming up [learn it] as I had learned English Grammar [producing an 'okay, got it' ' feed me more' process-- flowing in]. I developed a feel for it- I know the rules/procedures ironclad: i.e., the sequence of verbs in a sentence must match: 'ing' 'ing' 'ing' "talk-ing' 'walk-ing' 'sing-ing' – one can't switch to 'to talk' instead of 'talk-ing' in the aforementioned sentence. Grammar was set up so it went into my mind or memory without it tripping over any awkwardness [a “now-wait-give me some time to rearrange the/my thoughts (develop a schematic of the actions going on here)” flow into my memory].
If I we're fed the information the right way, we can fly through it. It speeds up the learning process. Your brain can recognize the logical flow, see it as interesting- not as information bumping around like in a pinball machine [not easily connecting to other stored information]; for example, as with someone who can't write well trying to learn [bumping into misunderstandings all over the place].
The key is that you understand [because the flow is constant, without bumps in the road, continuing like waves].
It produces a cycle: 'Give me more', like a computer (not tripping; no error messages, for the inputs). A continuous feed of information coming in flowing in [like magnetic tape fed in] in an understandable form made it easier to store, to process. It increases your processing speed.
If you can create this flow- the field [number of people learning it] will skyrocket. This is irresistible. They'll come for the effect, the results they get from the sheer productive joy of learning [usable information] so fast. I will go as far to say, if you get them in that zone, you trigger in them and almost insatiable desire to know more- feeding 'the-hunger-to-learn' zone. Like a child reading seven books in a row- it's the joy of learning and it's an accelerated process. It begins with a spark of interest, and with the introduction to a correct flow of information triggers [results in] accelerated learning- producing a hunger to learn more.
Liken it to: if you know (and understand) how to read, well enough, you flow through the input so fast it seems instantaneous- [with the] output [being that] you can speak out what you just read [have the output of (resulting in how) you can speak out what you just read seemingly instantaneously]. Or, if you watch a movie, the flow seems instantaneous [you can understand it as you watch: your mind quickly moves on to understand the next scene and adds it to what you already have seen- your mind produces a complete picture of what’s going on (what you’re learning) while retaining the ability to grasp what’s happening in the present moment of the story].
‘Give me more; I got that/ I understand it / It's there [in my memory]! - okay’. “Now, give me more! C'mon. I want to do more; I want to build on it now.” It Produces that Effect: feed me more info.; I want to build on it/build something with it. It's exciting [it's also fun]. I’ve experienced this in other learning areas so it does exist. To illustrate: my music teacher ran out of material for me to learn [so much so that I skipped a year, had to start feeding on next year's material= accelerated learning]. I flew through my English Grammar activity book in hours: complex, compound sentences, etc. In Algebra: factor out 'a' [“where to you see 'a'?”] in this equation- ‘okay, got it- make it harder’. This is the result. Someday, I want to experience the correct flow of information continuously [going in to my mind] while learning a programming language. It has to be the correct flow to flow continuously- has to be smooth, and in the right format [no tripping over spots; thereby, stopping this flow]. It’s worth looking for that sweet spot.
That's why we need a new computer language.
[April 26,2022] Thinking out loud- I would hope someday we could play around with they keys on our keyboard.
T h e T a b k e y :
The tab key on my keyboard sends my cursor to a specific location a set number of spaces away to the right, all with the touch of a button...[I'm thinking] More of that [of the like, along the lines of].
...what we can do with the "Tab" key; for instance, could we use "Tab" to:
flip "c = a + b" to 'a + b = c' [c being the new value, or you can call it "new a" - the new value of "a"] "new a = a + b" to 'a + b = new a' The "Tab" key on your keyboard could split the screen in 2 sections- left and right [using "control" + "tab" or the like could take you over to the right half of your screen- you then could use the 'a + b = new a' functionality on the right side of the screen (and take it off later, as you bring it back to the left side of the screen in the "new a= a + b" format)].
I'm thinking of the possibility of sub-sections of the screen with different functionality available there [a 'set-apart' zone; whereas, you can do 'this' in the zone, but you can't do it over in the conventional left side of the computer screen]. The "Tab" key could help bring this about...and more.
[ May 5, 2022 ]
Some things in programming are suprisingly, brilliant ! "__init__" "self" [in itself ? a way to remember it]. And, the ability to name your own exceptions or error really peaks my interest. [ made referenece to "__int__" and "exceptions"- endnote 1 & 2 ]
It seems I have found that in learning, the 'middle' of some languages [past the beginning of the learning process]; ie Python, is set up better [flow, terminology], is more interesting in terms of how you can use it, and is beautiful in complexity and power: __init__ in Python for example. Also, who can't understand "If" or "Not" or "Else" used in the 'middle' of the learning process?
When teaching one a language, it's the 'beginning' that is the holy grail of programming [a better set up sought after but unreachable, as of yet]. It seems we absolutely cannot mess with certain 'ways of doing' this and that in programming.
This leads me to ask:
Did computer language creators just keep the intial set up [format] from the first original programming languages--what Words are used, both to type in a program ["def" "print"] and to describe what's going on, and the way it looks on the screen ["call a function" "define an argument"] ? NOT: This is the 'Way it Is.' 'Its set up is fine [because it does what it needs to do technically- the format tells the computer what to do; don't mess with it- ever].'
So, Tweak It to attract others more readily.
A brief look, some brainstorming [my thoughts in rough draft form]:
Basic: Cobol: Fortran: C:
def ---- > Let Move Read Do
Input Display Format While
For return --- > Perform print --- > Write [Return- not my favorite term]
see endnote 3 endnote 4 endnote 5 endnote 6
Perform [vs. Call] the function
Givens [vs. Arguments]
Method or Mthd [vs. Def]
Name [vs. function_name]
Set-up or Setup [vs. parameters] * Red denotes = better
["Def" "function_name" "parameters" "call the function" are references from the following sentences from the 'Codecademy website' : "def is short for “define”. It’s a keyword that you need to define a function (aka method). All the code that you put between the def function_name(parameters) and end will be executed every time you call the function_name..." ] see endnote 7
1 “__INIT__ In Python: An Overview.” Udacity, 3 Nov. 2021,
2 8. Errors and Exceptions¶.” 8. Errors and Exceptions - Python 3.10.4 Documentation,
3 “Basic.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 3 May 2022,
4 “COBOL.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 3 May 2022,
5 “Fortran.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 4 May 2022,
6 “C (Programming Language).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 5 May 2022,
7 Very Basic Question: What Does Def Do/Mean? | Codecademy.